This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hmmmm's and Hah's

Been sitting here thinking of a catchy title for today's post. And all I got was, "Hmmmm...." So I went with it. Here are a few snapshots of what's been going on around here.

Luke is trying REALLY hard to walk. He's constantly practicing....EVERYWHERE. It's amazing how busy he is. He's in every corner of the house, crawling over whatever may be in his way. Climbing. Cruising (walking up and down the couch, wall, coffee table, etc.)

Seriously, this kid cracks me up. He is so happy all the time. Such a joy to have around.

These two pictures are in the wrong order. This is Luke's first swing ride. It's finally be nice around here, so I thought I'd take him to the park. But it was actually a little chilly and he needed a hat. And he was sleepy by the time I took this picture. But he really did love it. Very relaxing.

See, I promised he liked it. He had a lot of fun. But I had to wrap him in my jacket when he got out. A little too breezy for my cute boy.....but lots of fun.

This video is Lucas playing under the desk, clicking his tongue and dancing to the music of Ella Fitzgerald. Yes, that's right, my son likes music. But don't worry.... He rocks out to Breaking Benjamin too. Trying to keep him well rounded right? To be honest though, he really digs Beyonce's "Single Ladies". I try not to play it when Matt's around.....kinda weirds him out.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Those Darn Baby Gates

I'm sorry. These pictures just make me laugh.

Getting in to the Season

I love October. The weather gets cooler. It's a great time to bake yummy treats. Halloween. Decorating. (My birthday!!). And I couldn't let Luke be left out of all the fun. Here's him in his skeleton PJ's.

Baby, I make this look good...

Just a couple snap shots of Luke cruising on the furniture. He's getting closer and closer to walking.

We go together like peas and carrots

Think the carrots will go down better than the peas? Let's see.

Pretty interested in the spoon.

Uh oh. We got the cease and desist sign. Looks like it's a no-go.

But he could still smile. And we did get more carrots down than peas. FYI: Tim likes carrots too.

More peas, please!

I'm trying to bridge the gap between jarred baby food and table food. It's been rocky. Luke's not a fan of change.....ever. And he's a 'texture' kid. Every time we'd graduate to the next stage of feeding, he would have a mini freak out. Practice makes perfect. All in all, he's been doing pretty good. And it gives us plenty to laugh at.

Doesn't this just look SO yummy? Um, maybe not to everyone. But Momma and Baby like peas. Or at least he use to...

"Uh, hold up a second Momma. Those peas didn't come out of a jar. I'm a little bit nervous..."

"D'oh!!!" Texture Alert: pea shells are activating the gag reflex and pucker face all at one time. This is a Level 4 alert.

"STOP!! I will not eat more peas, please. Please? Please no more peas." Every time I tried to give him a spoonful, he'd deflect me. FYI: Tim really likes peas. In case you're wondering.

Lemme Outside!

The weather has been really wonderful lately and we all have been enjoying it.
But some little boys just can't seem to get enough.

Even to the point of wanting to be outside right after they wake up in the morning and are still in their jammies.

But can you blame them?