This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I love this little face. He's just, just, SO cute. And he's a sweet little guy. I'm not sure when that little white plastic tube came from but he loves taking up to an adult and putting (not so softly) to their mouth so they can blow in it at him and make noise. That is what he's attempting while I took this picture. Look at him flirting with me...."Come on mom, I have a great idea..."

The doggies are always willing play mates for Luke. "Mom can't possible get mad at me if Luke OFFERS me a toy, right?" Luke will look at a toy, play with it, then show it to the dogs.

This dude has 6 teeth now and cutting 2 more. Not sure what's going on in this picture, but it makes me laugh.

Could either of these two be any cuter? Luke was laughing hysterically when Matt put him on his shoulders for the first time. I love my cute boys!

Practice, Practice, Practice.

You'll have to excuse my "lack" of blogging lately. It's the busy time of year for both Matt and I at work. Things get a little crazy for our family during this time of year. Luke is getting SO close to walking now. And it's all he wants to do anymore. Practice. And he is not shy when you don't follow his game plan. He is so much fun and we love sharing all these special moments with him on our down time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Breast Cancer Walk 2010

Every year Walmart and Best Buy partner up with the American Cancer Society for the MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER WALK down at Tempe Beach Park. This year Matt and I were both lucky enough to be able to attend. Here are a few snap shots of the fun we had.

This is Matt and Lucas socializing before the event started. We mostly hung out with my peeps. Walmart has a HUGE showing of support. Everywhere you looked there were our Walmart shirts.

Matt had his pink Best Buy shirt. I had my official Walmart "Making Strides" shirt. But Luke didn't have anything. So I had to get a little creative. I wanted to put this year's mission statement on the shirt. "Making strides towards a world with less breast cancer and more birthdays." Well, that was just too long so I went with something a little less wordy.

Our little family.

This is me and a good friend Anthony with a survivor that just totally cracked us up. She was a lot of fun, and let us get a picture with her. For those of you in AZ, doesn't she totally have the AZ state fair cotton candy hair? LOVE IT!

This picture pretty much sums it up. We had a BLAST! The weather was beautiful, we got to hang with awesome people, and support a great cause. Could it get any better?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Natural

Last night Matt and I watched "The Natural" with Robert Redford. It was the first time I'd ever seen the movie. Needless to say that it was AWESOME. It got me thinking about Matt and Luke and whether Lucas would be interested in playing ball like Matt did.

Well, this morning Matt called me into our room, where Luke apparently found Matt's baseball bat. He keeps it near the bed to fend off the boogey men that could come in the middle of the night to bother us.

Our little kiddo couldn't leave it alone. The bat is longer than he is, but he'd just giggle and drag it everywhere he went. So I'm he gonna be a "natural?"

Brush your teeth

Now that Luke has 6 teeth we decided to introduce him to proper oral hygiene. Here's how it went...

Very curious when Dad first put the brush in his mouth. I think that he thought it was something to eat, or at least a funky spoon that had something to eat on it.
Then he was a little weirded out when Dad was making the bristles tickle his mouth.

But he got the hang of it.

And with a little yummy apple/banana toothpaste he was set. Clean those chompers baby!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We waited till Luke was asleep. He's a little "too" helpful and we weren't really up for that when it comes to pumpkins. Maybe next year...
Popped in "Hocus Pocus". It's our pumpkin carving movie tradition.
And dived in! Felt like it took forever. Every year we forget how long it really takes.

But we were driven. Had to get our jack-o-lanterns ready...

And they look pretty fabulous if I say so myself. I did the skull and cross bones. Made did the inferno scary face thing. Very cool.