This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What Little Boys do Best.

Luke is in love with the deck. When he realized he could be outside and still be upstairs with mom, his life just became more wonderful. He'll squeal " Ow-sigh!!!" and boogy right over to the door....along with the doggies. Then he'll grab every car he owns and bring them out as well. It's pretty cute.

He could spend hours like this. And occasionally his cars take a fall and I find them later in the evening when I let the dogs out before bed. So far, they have all been rescued :)

He also loves to help folding clothes. And by help, I mean climbing on the bed, running around in circles, falling on top of the pile of clothes I'm sorting, grabbing them and covering himself up, pretend sleeping with snore included, and he likes to try our clothes on. He's all about feet and shoes. So trying on mommy's socks were and obvious choice. He just wanted to be just like us. Little cutie-patootie.

He is completely in love with his book "Little Blue Truck". And he will grab it and run to his chair and read to himself. He'll make the noise of Little Blue - Beep! Beep! And now  he's making the noise of the animals on the farm. I just love this. And it's a hard board book, so I don't worry about him beating it up too much.

He just melts my heart. And yes, I know he needs a hair cut. It's on the agenda. We're just waiting till the last minute before the trip since his hair grows like crazy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Domestic Goddess in Training.

I made a goal recently to bake more this holiday season. Fall always brings back memories of all the baking my mom did. And every year I feel incomplete because I don't do near half as much. So this year I challenged myself to do better!

First up,


Have I ever told you that I have an irrational fear of yeast? Well, I do. Terrifying. Whenever I read a recipe that involves dissolving yeast in a warm liquid, I start to twitch and have to turn the page. My brain would say.....No way Jen! You can't do that.

Guess what's in homemade cinnamon rolls....yeast. *Twitch* But gosh darnit...I'm almost 30, I've been married for 8 years, I've been through scarier things in my life than making homemade dough!!!

So today I took the plunge. And can I wasn't so bad. I had to call my mom for moral support. I told her just to tell me everything was going to be okay. Then I asked her a few questions. I mixed the yeast. I made the dough. I let it rise. I rolled it out. I slathered it with butter and sprinkled it with yummy deliciousness. I let it rise again. Put them in the oven....and....and...THEY ARE DELICIOUS!!

I survived. It was a miracle. I was fully prepared for them to be terrible, for me to cry uncontrollably, and to make Matt swing by Cinnabon on his way home.

I feel like somehow I am a better mother to my child for having conquered the scary cinnamon roll. Who knows what will be next...

Oh and this cute guy was just TOO happy to be my guinea pig. He normally detests any bread product - I know, weird huh? But he took one look at those bad boys and could hardly keep himself from climbing on top of the counter to get one. And he ate the whole thing by himself.

The fine art of guilt.

I talked to my Mom today on the phone. She asked if I posted anything on the blog lately. I told her no, and all my very logical reasons for why it's been quiet. We had a nice chat and I hung up. And suddenly I felt like my mom was giving me a guilt trip over the telephone wires. I had this nagging feeling that I needed to post something. Now, logically, I know my mom wasn't trying to guilt me, but magically I just needed to respond to my mom's subliminal request. So I'm going overboard and posting a bunch of things today so I can feel like a good daughter again :)

Feels better to get that off my chest already. Love you Mommy. Hahahahaha!

Playing cars with Minnie

Trying to get me to play with him.

Singing songs in his rocking chair with his cars.

Laying Low

We've been pretty quiet over here for a while. It's been too stinking hot to do anything. And now Luke and I are dealing with a little touch of a cold - and really I don't think colds are allowed when it's sunny and 110 degrees out. It just feels wrong. But we had a storm come through and it's cooled things off to about 90 and I got so excited that I pull out all my sweaters and ran out an bought ingredients to make cinnamon rolls. Okay, maybe I'm not wearing sweaters yet. But it's nice to dream.

This morning I woke to it being 71 degrees out. HALLELUJAH! So little mister had been lounging out on the deck. And I opened the windows. It's been wonderful. Here's a few pictures. Maybe if I don't totally fail making cinnamon rolls, I'll post a picture of that. It'll be my first time making them and I'm a little scared. Yeast scares me. And the idea of me dealing with dough. I think I'll call my Mommy for moral support.

Other than that, we're just resting up and planning out what we're packing for our trip to DISNEY WORLD! Seriously, Matt is so excited he's regressed at least 15 years. It's kinda cute ;)