This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Friday, July 22, 2011

This and That.

Here's a couple pictures of Luke. I find it hard to make time for everything I want to do. Working overnight sucks the life out of me. And when I'm home I try to balance cleaning with play time. Then I have to grocery shop. Fix Dinner. Bath the baby. Feed the dog - and give them meds. Exercise. Craft projects. Call family. Oh and sleep, right? How can a person do all that. So usually, a few things get left in the dust. And sadly that is the blog lately. But I'll try to be better....

Prized Posessions

We've caught the fever around here. Luke is in L.O.V.E with cars and trucks. He got some cars for his birthday from Aunt Mary and Uncle Chad that started it all. Now he has about 15 cars and trucks of assorted sizes that he'll play with all day long. These two guys are by far his favorite. He likes the on his race track, in a bucket, in Daddy's shoes (which is always a surprise when Daddy puts his shoes on).
 Do you see that little smile? That's what he does all day long when he plays with cars. He's such a good kid. He'll run around happily singing songs, talking to his cars, and has a good time. Very easy to deal with.
 And yes, he knows how to make car noises. It must be something to with the Y-chromosome. We didn't teach him that. One day we just saw him driving his car making the sounds. Hilarious.
 He'll drive his cars on anything. Stairs, beds, fans, coffee tables, Mommy's arms, Dogs, Daddy's face. It all works.

 Oh by the way. Don't forget to drop by my face book page to see video of Luke showing off his this picture. But with's even better. And a video of Luke discovering the "magic" of the printer. Really, can't believe how exciting the world is for an 18 month old.

And what better way to end this post than with the cutest baby tush you've ever seen.

Who is a Big Boy?

That would be this guy!! We are officially Pacifier Free. Luke only cried a few times at bed time. Mommy only cried once (okay twice) over the fact that her baby is getting so big. But we stuck to it and didn't look back. Was interesting to see how he learned to work through his emotions without the help of best friend. But we're all better for the experience. One step closer to Kindergarten, right? Okay. I've got to go hug my little bug now before he leaves on his mission.

Maybe I'm a little sentimental. Maybe a little over-reactive. But is it just me or does time go WAY to fast?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Love of Reading

One morning the other week I noticed that Luke wasn't causing a raucous around the TV room. So I had to investigate. Here is a few snapshots of what I found. He's really discovered books lately and will spend time flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures. He's even gotten to the point where he'll sit long enough for us to read him a story before bed time. I just LOVE that. So if you have any recommendations for children's books please let me know!

4th of July

We decided to make a quick trip to California for the Fourth. We drove out Saturday after I got out of work and came back Tuesday. Like I said it was quick. But it was TONS of fun. Had such a great time with Matt's family. Here are the pictures I was able to take. I feel like I missed alot. I just forget to pull my camera out. I really should be better about that.

On our way to California. You might notice that we got a DVD player that mounts on the back of the front seats. Thought it would help more than it did. He preferred Mommy to ride back there with him. And that only helped so much. He's so wiggly that keeping him in his car seat was torturous.

Checking out the pool.

Showing me all the cool stuff that was in the backyard.

I just couldn't get him to sit still long enough to take a decent picture. He was just move move move.

Swim suit that Papa picked out for Luke. Pretty cute.

Trying out the pool...

Not too sure about it.

Really NOT liking the pool. He actually got so upset that he put himself to sleep. We were completely cracking up at the faces he was making.


Ricky and Leslie ordering dinner at Bruxie's. It's a waffle sandwich place. Amazing.

Yeah, this is what we had the pleasure to deal with. Lovely Mr. Attitude.

Leslie trying to get him to cheer up.

Hanging out at the Corriero Residence. What a cute house! They're such awesome home project people. Someday I want to be as cool as they are.

Luke's such a friendly person (most of the time) that he didn't have a problem warming up to Nana and Papa. Here they are snuggling before bedtime.

Matt being super silly at the July 4th Breakfast at the Church.

Here's Leslie and Ricky. Could they be any cuter?
Thanks Jensen's and Corriero's for that Great visit! We had a blast. And we can't wait to see you again. We're gearing up for October and Florida. Can you say "Mickey Head". I'll be working with Luke so that hopefully he'll be able to say that by the time we get there ;)