This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day!

What a wonderful day! We've been a little down in the dumps lately. But today has been all sunshine and roses! About time! I needed a really nice, relaxing day with my boys. And I got it!
Lucas let me sleep in until 6:30am. YES! and I walk into his room to see this beautiful face staring at me. It's been too long since I've seen my happy boy. Teething is no fun.

This is the look he usually sports. Fingers in the mouth, and making funny noises.

And could I resist a chubby boy picture? NO WAY! He was happy ALL day long.

Even Matt felt pretty good today. They're so cute together.....Awww.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What we've been up to...

As you can see from the picture, the boys have been feeling a little rough around the edges. Lucas is teething and generally dislikes life right now. Matt is still feeling cruddy and we have a doctor's appointment for Tuesday. Hopefully they'll be able to give us some answers and make him feel better.

As for me, I feel a little bit like Humpty-Dumpty's soldiers. Just trying to keep everything together.

But I'm hoping to have a nice Sunday. As long as everyone is up to it, we're going to grill and maybe let Lucas in the kiddie pool. I need a little sunshine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Jensen's and a bad case of the Grumps

The Jensen family has caught an awful case of the Grumps this week. Lucas is teething and won't hardly eat, doesn't want his pacifier and is just not getting along with life in general. He'll chew on his hands and whatever bib, blanket, or Dada's finger that is around. I've give him oragel when he get's really bad, but he detests the taste and makes some really funny faces.

Matt's been dealing with vertigo for the past 8 days. Can we say crappy? I can't imagine how terrible that must feel. But he's been a real trooper and tries to get through work. He called out one day, and that was the first time in 4 years. Can you believe that? My little work-a-holic.

I thought it was sad when Matt get's sick and all Jensen-crabby. But now I have two guys that get the Jensen-crabbies. I've been trying my best to keep both sad boys happy. We've had a rough couple days, but I'm hoping that we'll be able to bounce back soon.

Here's little monkey sitting, listening to some music while I was working at the computer. Such a sad face. He just sat there for 30 minutes and stared into space.

Bathtime and Lucas was so sad that he needed his "bestfriend" again to make him feel better. Good thing I kept it around.

We're still working on tummy time. Here's our proof! I caught a rare moment of non-crying baby. He's building up tolerance and can be happy seconds longer everytime. I think. Maybe it's just in my head.... you know.... coping skills for all the screaming.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is too much fun ever enough?

Lucas got a new "stand up" toy. Very exciting. Lots of fun.

Starts out well...

I don't know, thought it would over stimulate him. I guess he didn't know what to do first so he just gave up.... poor tired boy.

Where's the Pool?

Can he get any cuter????

I really think this kiddo is turning me to mush sometimes. He's so cute that I can't stand it. We're gearing up for summer around here and that means Pool Parties! Little monkey needed his very own super stud swim suit. Did you notice him standing? Yeah that's right, he's a stud. He would do this all day if we let him. He thinks he's such HOT stuff when he stands up.

Where's the Baby?

We went on a walk the other day. It was beautiful and the sun was shining. One of those days that makes you so happy that you live in AZ. But little monkey needed a hat...the sun kept getting him.

He thought going for a walk was pretty cool. Just chillin' outside. He would make noises and wiggle. Then all of a sudden I didn't notice him making any noise....

Where'd he go?? My guess....dreamland.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 Months!

Lucas is growing like a weed. And he's learned so many new tricks lately, I just don't know what I'm waking up to each morning. Everyday is a whole new adventure at our house.
We had his 4 month appointment today. And he's doing great, other than getting shots that is. The little guy was so happy when we got there. He was singing, rolling, and smiling. UNTIL the shots came. Matt was with us, and he just busted up laughing when poor little Lucas was screaming at the nurse like she was trying to kill him. Nurse made hasty exit, Matt recomposed himself, and I took quite a chewing out from my son.
But, all in all, it was fine. Here are his stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 5 oz. - 92 percentile
Lenght: 25.5 inches - approx. 60 percentile
And with the passing of 4 month check we revisit baby food. Strangely our son HATES rice cereal. I thought he just couldn't figure out how to eat....he could be doomed to straw feeding his whole life. No, actually he detests rice cereal. He would purse up his lips, cry, give poor Mama the 'stink eye'. I thought I had a rotten boy on my hands. For some reason, I thought we would try sweet potatoes. Guess it was the gut instinct. Because, really, I thought he was a bottle kid forever.
He practically likes the air as the spoon comes in for landing. And he smiles and talks. Oh, and a new trick he decided to try out on Mom when he was eating.....blowing raspberries. Nice. I think he actually got some on my camera lens. Here's a few photos of the magic of sweet potatoes.



Oh yeah. Good stuff!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nothing but L.O.V.E.

It's pretty obvious that ALL the dogs love this baby. They all kiss his boo-boo's. They all love to lick his face and hands now (when I'm not looking), especially after he eats rice cereal. And the all L.O.V.E. to snuggle on the bed with him. Matt had laid him down for a minute and Minnie seized this opportunity to get some one-on-one time with Lucas. It starts off nice enough...

Then, she goes in for the "Minnie Hug". This is a common move she does on the "choice" people in her life. It doesn't get much more 'lovey' than this for Minnie, other than a full on body slam. Thank goodness she chose appropriately.

"Uh, Mom? What's going on here? There's a giant, heavy, fuzzy thing pressing my face into the blankets?"

"Little help here?"
I kept pulling her leg off his face, and then she'd just put it back on. We went in circles about 4 times. So I gave up and took some pictures. Eventually, poor little Lucas had been loved enough and we rescued him.

Dude, I'm watching TV....

Just a cute little picture of Bumbo time. Matt had set him up with watch ESPN (what else?).

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

This is a picture of our silly guy asleep, just before waking up for the morning. He usually will wake between 6am and 7am. He's a pretty early riser, but that's because Mommy has to work and it takes FOREVER to get both of us clothed, fed, and out of the house on time. It's great when Matt has the day off because I can sleep in a whole extra hour! Yipee!! But since I had vacation all this week I thought I'd show everyone how cute he is when he wakes up. He usually will sing to himself for a little while. Longer if he's feeling it, and shorter when he's very very hungry.

This is a snapshot of what I get to see every morning. And I love it! He's "The best part of waking up". For me anyways.

Old video of Lucas

I finally figured out how to post video. I didn't have many clips that were small enough. So I had to experiment with an old video since it fit the requirements. Check it out...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why is Tummy Time Soooo Hard?

Is there anyone out there that has had a rough time with Tummy Time? It's miserable here. I'm getting some Mommy guilt now because I feel like he's so far behind on all things 'tummy'. This crazy kid will jabber, stand, and topple toys on himself because he's so strong. But you put him on his tummy and he turns into A. COMPLETE. BABY. I mean it, and not in the nice way. Let me show you...

Starts off pretty good. We have a cool blanket, toys, and good company. You can't see it, but the dogs are all huddled around us. Reality is, they're waiting for him to have a melt down so they can snatch toys while I'm distracted. But I'll pretend they are here for moral support.

Oooh, we even look like we're having fun. And we did for about 5.2 seconds.

Then this started....and the noise! If ever you could imagine the most angry, upset, irritated, and let down noise....that would be what my son sounds like right now. I'm fighting off the Mommy instinct to pick him up. And let's face it, I have to stop that noise. The dogs have started whining, the neighbors are peeking in my windows (I imagine). And the school across the street from me is probably calling all the kids inside from recess to shield them from the horror.

But I hold off for a little longer, chanting to myself, "This is good for him, this is good for him..." Eventually, I cave. I pick him up off his poor little red-as-a-tomato face and take my cussing-out like a "Mom". He's so mad at me that he won't let me snuggle him. He just wants to stand up and yell.

So I let him. But there's nothing like a french kiss from his favorite pal Tim to make everything ALL BETTER!

And this we do....everyday....IF I'm brave enough.

Adventures in Solid Food

Well, the time has come.....even though we're technically 10 days early (we're SUPPOSED to wait till 4 months). But he's been acting like the bottle just isn't enough. So I got him some rice cereal, mixed it up, tried to get it in his mouth, and then STAY in his mouth.
As you can see, this is the aftermath of his very first try at semi-solid food. Rice cereal mixed in formula isn't really what I'd imagine as solid food.
But he was pretty excited.

In the end, he was just too tired and hungry to let Mom have her fun. I ended up dumping it all in his bottle with some extra formula and this is how he ended his dinner.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adventures in Big Boy Land

Time is just flying by and our little guy is just getting bigger and bigger. We're coming up on his four month well check soon. And we all know what that means.....SOLID FOOD. So in preparation for that Stupendous Achievement, we've busted out some Big-Boy things to get ourselves ready.

Lucas is bound to have "Abs of Steel." How do I know this? Well he's obsessed with sitting up. If he's even the tiniest bit reclined, he starts doing crunches hoping that he'll be able to right the situation. The bouncy seat doesn't really cut it now. He wanted something better. The babysitter has a Bumbo at her house and she had mentioned that she puts Lucas in there and he loves it. So I made her show me, and I couldn't stop laughing. He looks so funny sitting in there like it's a Berka Lounger. So of course, we had to go get one. Now we can giggle at him in the privacy of our own home.

We've also set up the Ultra-Big-Boy-High-Chair. And Lucas digs it! He's getting use to sitting in there. Doesn't last very long, but it's a start. We spread out toys on the tray to keep his attention. And it gives him the chance to practice his hand-eye coordination.

Is it just me, or do his eyes seem a little crossed? Haha! This is usually the look I get when I try to take his picture. He could be laughing and talking, but the minute I try to take a snap shot I get the goofy face. The camera just mesmerizes him.

Uh-oh guys. Gotta go. You know what is looks like.....a melt down in the making.