This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Jensen's and a bad case of the Grumps

The Jensen family has caught an awful case of the Grumps this week. Lucas is teething and won't hardly eat, doesn't want his pacifier and is just not getting along with life in general. He'll chew on his hands and whatever bib, blanket, or Dada's finger that is around. I've give him oragel when he get's really bad, but he detests the taste and makes some really funny faces.

Matt's been dealing with vertigo for the past 8 days. Can we say crappy? I can't imagine how terrible that must feel. But he's been a real trooper and tries to get through work. He called out one day, and that was the first time in 4 years. Can you believe that? My little work-a-holic.

I thought it was sad when Matt get's sick and all Jensen-crabby. But now I have two guys that get the Jensen-crabbies. I've been trying my best to keep both sad boys happy. We've had a rough couple days, but I'm hoping that we'll be able to bounce back soon.

Here's little monkey sitting, listening to some music while I was working at the computer. Such a sad face. He just sat there for 30 minutes and stared into space.

Bathtime and Lucas was so sad that he needed his "bestfriend" again to make him feel better. Good thing I kept it around.

We're still working on tummy time. Here's our proof! I caught a rare moment of non-crying baby. He's building up tolerance and can be happy seconds longer everytime. I think. Maybe it's just in my head.... you know.... coping skills for all the screaming.