Lucas is growing like a weed. And he's learned so many new tricks lately, I just don't know what I'm waking up to each morning. Everyday is a whole new adventure at our house.
We had his 4 month appointment today. And he's doing great, other than getting shots that is. The little guy was so happy when we got there. He was singing, rolling, and smiling. UNTIL the shots came. Matt was with us, and he just busted up laughing when poor little Lucas was screaming at the nurse like she was trying to kill him. Nurse made hasty exit, Matt recomposed himself, and I took quite a chewing out from my son.
But, all in all, it was fine. Here are his stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 5 oz. - 92 percentile
Lenght: 25.5 inches - approx. 60 percentile
And with the passing of 4 month check we revisit baby food. Strangely our son HATES rice cereal. I thought he just couldn't figure out how to eat....he could be doomed to straw feeding his whole life. No, actually he detests rice cereal. He would purse up his lips, cry, give poor Mama the 'stink eye'. I thought I had a rotten boy on my hands. For some reason, I thought we would try sweet potatoes. Guess it was the gut instinct. Because, really, I thought he was a bottle kid forever.
He practically likes the air as the spoon comes in for landing. And he smiles and talks. Oh, and a new trick he decided to try out on Mom when he was eating.....blowing raspberries. Nice. I think he actually got some on my camera lens. Here's a few photos of the magic of sweet potatoes.
Oh yeah. Good stuff!
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