This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why is Tummy Time Soooo Hard?

Is there anyone out there that has had a rough time with Tummy Time? It's miserable here. I'm getting some Mommy guilt now because I feel like he's so far behind on all things 'tummy'. This crazy kid will jabber, stand, and topple toys on himself because he's so strong. But you put him on his tummy and he turns into A. COMPLETE. BABY. I mean it, and not in the nice way. Let me show you...

Starts off pretty good. We have a cool blanket, toys, and good company. You can't see it, but the dogs are all huddled around us. Reality is, they're waiting for him to have a melt down so they can snatch toys while I'm distracted. But I'll pretend they are here for moral support.

Oooh, we even look like we're having fun. And we did for about 5.2 seconds.

Then this started....and the noise! If ever you could imagine the most angry, upset, irritated, and let down noise....that would be what my son sounds like right now. I'm fighting off the Mommy instinct to pick him up. And let's face it, I have to stop that noise. The dogs have started whining, the neighbors are peeking in my windows (I imagine). And the school across the street from me is probably calling all the kids inside from recess to shield them from the horror.

But I hold off for a little longer, chanting to myself, "This is good for him, this is good for him..." Eventually, I cave. I pick him up off his poor little red-as-a-tomato face and take my cussing-out like a "Mom". He's so mad at me that he won't let me snuggle him. He just wants to stand up and yell.

So I let him. But there's nothing like a french kiss from his favorite pal Tim to make everything ALL BETTER!

And this we do....everyday....IF I'm brave enough.