Time is just flying by and our little guy is just getting bigger and bigger. We're coming up on his four month well check soon. And we all know what that means.....SOLID FOOD. So in preparation for that Stupendous Achievement, we've busted out some Big-Boy things to get ourselves ready.

Lucas is bound to have "Abs of Steel." How do I know this? Well he's obsessed with sitting up. If he's even the tiniest bit reclined, he starts doing crunches hoping that he'll be able to right the situation. The bouncy seat doesn't really cut it now. He wanted something better. The babysitter has a Bumbo at her house and she had mentioned that she puts Lucas in there and he loves it. So I made her show me, and I couldn't stop laughing. He looks so funny sitting in there like it's a Berka Lounger. So of course, we had to go get one. Now we can giggle at him in the privacy of our own home.

We've also set up the Ultra-Big-Boy-High-Chair. And Lucas digs it! He's getting use to sitting in there. Doesn't last very long, but it's a start. We spread out toys on the tray to keep his attention. And it gives him the chance to practice his hand-eye coordination.

Is it just me, or do his eyes seem a little crossed? Haha! This is usually the look I get when I try to take his picture. He could be laughing and talking, but the minute I try to take a snap shot I get the goofy face. The camera just mesmerizes him.
Uh-oh guys. Gotta go. You know what is looks like.....a melt down in the making.
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