This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aww. Sweetness.

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby? Probably not. So here are a few snapshots of Luke snoozing away.

Monday, June 27, 2011

1 Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed

See this cute little monkey? His favorite place to play is where else, Mom and Dad's bed. Daddy and Luke rough house on the bed. Mostly it's Matt pushing Luke over on pillows and Luke laughing hysterically. But that's a Luke and Daddy thing. Mom doesn't get into that. Although I love watching them play. So when Daddy's at work sometimes Luke just wants to do it himself. He'll climb up on the bed, run around in circles, fall down (on purpose), and laugh! Here are some pictures of his stunts. I had a hard time getting pictures that weren't blurred. He was wiggling too much.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Me and My Buddy.

I just needed to post this picture for journaling purposes. Minnie has been really sick the past few days. And we're not sure how many more picture opportunities we'll have. Even though she's been incredibly sick, it hasn't affected her tenderness towards Lucas. Here they are snuggling Sunday morning. Minnie hadn't been off the couch since 2am. She could barely move. But if Luke wanted to hug her (which he did right before this picture), Minnie would oblige. She'll even give him some kisses. These two are very special to each other. And I'm so grateful that I could capture this moment between them.

Tell me again why we don't eat crayons?

Luke recently got his first set of crayons. They are specially made to fit in little peoples hands. Pretty cool. He loves drawing with them. He's pretty good with a pen too, as you can see. But can someone please, please tell me why little people love to eat crayons? He regrets it immediately, but it never stops him. Mom tries to warn him, but the bright red, blue, and green must make his brain malfunction. It's too fun to resist. But since I can't stop him, I might as well document, right? What's a Mom for?
Super cute kiddo.

Why be shy?

What's that Mom? Don't eat crayons? I dunno, they look tasty.

Ew! Should have listened. My teeth feel funny.

Lemme try and fix it.

AH! Look at my tongue!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day 2011

There are some very special people in our lives that I'd like to dedicate the posting to: My Dad, Matt's Dad, and Luke's Dad. All three are very special men that have made my life AMAZING! Thank you for you spirit, example, and humor. LOVE YOU and hope you have a very special Father's Day.

These pictures may not be in order, but they are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoyed them. Don't forget to take the opportunity to tell the "Dad" in your life how much you love them. And appreciate all that they do for you :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sleep like a Baby

Yesterday was not a good day. Yesterday I was tired. My body is in a constant state of sleepy since every four days my sleep pattern changes. But yesterday was not a good day because you mix a tired Momma with a tired and GRUMPY Luke. Ugh. That was a long day. So I opted to put Luke to bed early. He was actually very happy and obliging to go to bed at 6:40pm.

Then Momma couldn't go to sleep. Dumb body....didn't you know this is my day off and I'd like to sleep like a normal person? After much internal dialogue and laying in bed listening to my husband snoring sleeping, I finally fell asleep.

Ahhh sleep.

I woke up and the sun was shining. I felt great. I rolled over and looked at my clock.

10:00 AM

What the?!

I looked at the monitor as I jumped out of bed. Luke must be screaming. But the monitor was on and turned up pretty high since I tend to sleep pretty hard now days. I went up to the door to his room. No sound. Hmmm...weird. I open the door expecting to see a really ticked off 1 year old.

This is what I found...

sorry the picture is so small. Took in on my phone.
It took him another 10 minutes of me and both dogs being noisy in his room for him to even stir. This kid was conked out! I guess he needed it after yesterday (we both did). Maybe he's growing. Heaven knows he needs it. He's a little on the small side - guess he go the "Shaun" genes. Love you brother!!

But today has been the complete opposite of yesterday and we're very happy and relaxed. Must've been the good nights sleep.