This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I {heart} Instagram. I really do. Now that I got that off my chest, I can tell you a little bit about it. Matt got me a new Ipod Touch for Christmas. I needed an upgrade. My sad old Ipod just couldn't handle all my music and downloads anymore. I had heard a lot of buzz about Instagram. I was really bummed that I couldn't get the app on my Droid. It is an Apple only application. So guess what was the first thing I downloaded on my shiny new Ipod? That's right. Amazing.

Instagram is a photo editing application. You take a picture then you can apply different filters for a specific look and you can add captions and other fun things. It's one of the best Ipod/Phone camera editing applications. I have downloaded quite a few on my Droid, and I have to say, that Instagram is by far the best I have used so far. I love, love, love it. So here are a few of the pictures I have taken so far:

This handsome devil always gets me the best presents

Peanut Butter for breakfast? Why not?

Sweet face

Laker Nation

Bath Time

So cute that I physically hurt.


He has such soulful eyes...that or maybe he has to go potty....hmm.

They playroom side of the computer room. Clean. That is for about 5 minutes.
 And I promise to get Christmas photos up. I just am feeling a little lazy....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daddy will you color with me??

Just a sweet moment I captured of my boys coloring. This is a new found passion of little Lucas. Thank you Grandpa for setting him up with the "Kohl-er" book. Love it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well, Christmas decorating has been quite frustrating for me this year. Usually I have it taken care of in one day. And everything runs smoothly. But not so much this year. First, I have a very curious, and involved (almost) 2 year old. Use your imagination there :) And something happened to my gorgeous 7ft pre lit Christmas Tree. It wouldn't light up. I tried 2 different times. Then had to have an intervention from Matt to help finish. He ended up just stringing it with lights while I was upstairs trying to get my tree murdering thoughts under control. But on a cute note, I snapped the below photo of Luke playing with our turkey decorations while I was cleaning up. One was a Mama, and the other Baby. And they were kissing each other and following each other around. And telling each other I love you. I melted into a puddle right after this picture.

 Here is our cute boy ready for church. For the life of me, I couldn't get him to look at me without giving me an ugly face, and so I settled for this. Still pretty cute :)

This is what we get to do at least once a day. Thanks Grandpa for such a great gift! Luke is still in love with his Cars book. And will tell stories while he's coloring. We're working on the names of colors now.

Have a great Sunday everyone! Have a cup of hot chocolate for me.

Thanksgiving 2011

This year Matt and I had planned on having a quiet Thanksgiving with just us and Luke. We both work retail, and this year we both had to work overnight. But has it turned out, we have my sister Marybeth, her kids, and my parents over. I was SO excited!!

We had a blast! I didn't really get any pictures. Between working and having fun, I didn't leave much time for pictures. But Matt and I had a blast. And we're so grateful to our family for coming and making our holiday so much fun.

We love you guys!

As soon as Luke saw Grandpa, he had to pull the blocks out and play. He remembered!

Bruno taking Grandpa for a walk. Haha!

Walking to the park to play with Chad and Liam.

At the Phoenix Zoo.