This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cloudy day walk

We have been suffering from a series of colds in this house since January. I have gone out of my mind from all the kleenex using, eating (mostly by Bruno, I know gross), and throwing away that has consumed the Jensen household. Luke and I are still trying to get over this last cold. We have been moping around the house and taking long naps. But finally, we got a little stir crazy and had to go on a little walk around the neighborhood.

 We did a lot of exploring. Checking out the grass, leaves, seeds, and rocks were a definite favorite. Here he is working his muscles.

 This is a classic Luke face. I asked him to smile and look at Mommy. This is all I got. Awesome. I'm sure I'll have identical photos of that face all throughout his childhood and probably even at his Mission Farewell.

This one is somewhat nicer, but I got no eye contact. Oh well. I kinda prefer the previous one :)

 This is what it looked like outside today. Yesterday is was almost 90 degrees. But the high for today is about 65, and cloudy. Seriously?

 Throwing every rock he could get his hands on. Kicking rocks would be a second choice. Did I say that the walk took about an hour? And that was pretty much just around 2 blocks? There's no rushing fun though.

And we ended up at the little park by our house. I love the movie line from Forrest Gump. "Everywhere he was going, he was running." That is pretty much my boy to perfection.

Slumber Party

Just the other night, Bruno had been feeling a little under the weather - upset tummy is my guess. And he was moping around following me everywhere I went. I told him to just go find a comfy place to lay down. Off he went. He really can be pretty obedient for a 100+ pound dog. I didn't think much of it until it was Luke's bed time. And this is what I found:

See that doggy rump in the corner??

 Bruno had squeezed himself in the tiny corner between Luke's crib and the wall. It is unbelievable that he even fit himself in there. But he was pretty snug.

 Luke was over the moon thinking he was going to get to have a sleep over with his furry brother. That never happens. I imagine it would play out with Luke chattering and climbing out of his bed only to torment Bruno since the door would be shut and there would be no escape. Then Bruno would be at the door crying and barking for someone to save him. Not really how I'd like to spend my sleepy time, personally.

Luke is explaining all the fun things he has planned for their sleepover. Poor Bruno won't even make eye contact.

This is Luke's sad face when he realizes Mommy is a killjoy and won't let Bruno stay the night. Color him disappointed.

And amazingly Bruno just gracefully got up and backed himself out of the corner with ease. He didn't even need the "Beep, Beep, Beep" noise garbage trucks use when they back up. He's gotten pretty good at that :)