This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

6 Month Update

Six Months Already??

Wow. Time seems to be flying by. And little Luke is just growing up so fast and learning so many new things.

He had a great check up at the doctor.

Here are his stats:

Weight: 19lbs 2oz - 70th percentile
Length: 27.5in - 78th percentile
He's no longer in the 90th percentile for weight, probably because he's a major wiggler now. Trying to change his diaper now-days I feel like gator wrangler. This kid just loves to roll over now. Ironic, since for the first 6 months of his life he thought tummy time equalled death. Now it's all he wants to do.

We are now parents of a crawler! We're very excited about it. But I need to clarify. He doesn't have the classic hands & knees crawl. He's more of the "charlie in the trees" army crawl. Which is totally hilarious. But I can't believe how fast he is now. And he has a major "naughty" radar. Anything he shouldn't have or go, he notices immediately after being placed on the ground and races after it. For example: he loves movie cases and will empty the shelf at least twice a day. Daddy's shoes are a new favorite. And he always runs to the baby gate and tries to move it around...this one is a little scary. Thank goodness it locks into place.

And of course the dogs just don't know they should be afraid....very afraid. Luke gets SO excited when he sees them and chases after them. And when he catches up to them he likes to grab their tails and feet. The poor dogs don't even know what's in store for them. If they did, they would be running from this little boy. But they just love little Lucas so much...they put up with a lot.

This little guy is starting to form opinions about his world now. And he will let me know when he doesn't want to do something eating, playing, etc. He is still such a great baby, but every once in a while.....Mr. Attitude comes to visit.

Here he is again practicing his crawling action. But he's learned a lot of other things too. He's a pro at sitting, but hasn't figured out how to pull himself up to sitting. He loves to have Daddy pull him up to a standing position and show him how to old onto the side of the coffee table or pack and play. Then he'll just stand there all proud of himself and beaming....until he falls over.

Luke has also learned how to take his pacifier from us and put it in his mouth. He usually will take it with one hand, then pass it to the other and pop it in. I think it's cute so I'll take it out of his mouth and hold it out for him. He'll let me do that a couple times, and then he gets a little irritated. He's got a serious relationship with his "pacy" and doesn't like when Mom gets in the way.

He is an almost constant talker. He jabbers all day long. And he LOVES to hear his own voice downstairs where the tile makes his voice bounce off the walls. We're working on teaching him about his "quiet" voice. But mostly he just laughs at us and starts screeching. Nice.
But we really are SO in love with this little boy. I am so glad he has joined our little family and feel so grateful for the opportunity he gives me to be his Mommy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oragel and Glitches.

Our poor computer has been going through technical difficulties lately. And Matt's been able to fix it enough for us function until we can get a new one. Ole Bertha's just been through too much. And secretly Matt's ecstatic because now he can buy the new Star Craft (what a nerd! But he's my nerd) and play it without Bertha hyperventilating, popping a hernia, and then having a coronary. She's fell apart at least 4 times now....time to put her out to pasture.
But other than that, we've been dealing with a whole lot of teething. But no teeth yet. Very upsetting. I've been trying to keep little guy feeling okay, but there's only so much I can do. He was very, very sad. So I tried a suggestion from my friend Karen "McConnell" Holyoak, and gave him frozen peaches. It did the trick. He loved the cold. He's not a huge fan of peaches, so once they started to defrost and he could really taste them, he started making some funny faces. Maybe we'll try bananas next time. But I thought I'd post a few pictures for you.

Dog days of Summer

Uh, yup. This is our dogs. They are on their couch. And this is what they look like 75% of the day.

Cushy life.