Well, there should have been a "part 3" to Mom and Dad's Easter Visit.
Apparently we've had germs come visit us instead. Bummer!
We had planned to go to Church with Mom, Dad, Chad, Mary, & the kids. Then off to their house for yummy Easter Dinner. But Little Jensen wasn't feeling up to it. He got a little cold, and since he loves his mom so much, he gave it to her too. Lucky Me. And to top it all off.... we had PB& J and Ramen to eat on Easter. Could it be any more depressing?
So instead of cute pictures of the family together. You'll have to settle for some cute pictures of Luke's Easter basket. The Easter Bunny visited in the afternoon on Saturday. He's very considerate of people that are sick ;)
The Easter Bunny left a trail of eggs from Luke's bedroom to the TV room. Inside the eggs were yummy bunny marshmallows. |
Luke was excited and a little confused about all the fun. |
His first look at his basket. |
The rubber ducky has been a big hit. He's been squeaking it non-stop. |
He loved the marshmallows. This has been his first experience with candy. Every time he eats one, he "Mmmmmm's" with satisfaction. |
Poor sick baby. |
He L.O.V.E.S his Easter Doggy. He carries it around hugging it and he even sleeps with it. Not very typical since he's never shown a preference for the stuffed animals he has. But then again, none of them are doggies like his Minnie & Bruno, which he loves, loves, loves. |
And here is a close up of his basket. It includes: soccer ball, farm animals book, rubber ducky, rowdy the truck, stuffed animal, and puzzle. |
We really wish we could've had another day with Grandma and Grandpa before they had to go back home. But we are so thankful that they could make time to visit us. It has been a blast. And it is wonderful seeing the sweet relationship Luke has with his grandparents. He's been showered with special attention that only grandparents can give. Thanks Mom & Dad for making this Easter so special. And Thanks Chad & Mary for sharing a great day at the zoo with us!!
Easter is always a special time of year when we can reflect on the VERY special gift that our Saviour gave us. I am so grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity it gives me to repent of the things that keep me from my Heavenly Father and improve on the things that will let me have my family for eternity.
I hope each of you had a beautiful Easter and that you were able to spend it with the people that are most dear to you.