We've caught the fever around here. Luke is in L.O.V.E with cars and trucks. He got some cars for his birthday from Aunt Mary and Uncle Chad that started it all. Now he has about 15 cars and trucks of assorted sizes that he'll play with all day long. These two guys are by far his favorite. He likes the on his race track, in a bucket, in Daddy's shoes (which is always a surprise when Daddy puts his shoes on).

Do you see that little smile? That's what he does all day long when he plays with cars. He's such a good kid. He'll run around happily singing songs, talking to his cars, and has a good time. Very easy to deal with.
And yes, he knows how to make car noises. It must be something to with the Y-chromosome. We didn't teach him that. One day we just saw him driving his car making the sounds. Hilarious.
He'll drive his cars on anything. Stairs, beds, fans, coffee tables, Mommy's arms, Dogs, Daddy's face. It all works.
Oh by the way. Don't forget to drop by my face book page to see video of Luke showing off his muscles...like this picture. But with sound....it's even better. And a video of Luke discovering the "magic" of the printer. Really, can't believe how exciting the world is for an 18 month old.
And what better way to end this post than with the cutest baby tush you've ever seen.