I'm sitting here listening to "Fiddler on the Roof" on the computer and Luke and Minnie are fighting over an empty bottle of water. Just a slice of my life. Often times quite random, and I love it. I've been going through the pictures I have on my cell phone today and thought I'd post some of them. I try to send out pictures via phone as often as possible, but since some don't receive, I'll post them here.
I've been dying here with my old dumb phone. Everyone I know has gotten a cool phone...seriously, even the little grannies that work for me have cooler phones. Kills me. So I've vowed to myself that I will be buying a new "sexy" phone. Yes, I said sexy, and Yes, I'm referring to a phone. My requirements. I want to have good Internet access and data plan. And it's going to have a AWESOME camera. I find that I take more pictures on my phone than the camera, since I always have my phone with me to capture the cute moments. Someday....
So without further a do... here are the pictures. Sorry if they are a little small or blurry. Refer to the previous paragraph where I mention sexy phones.Luke has a woobie. Translate: blankie. And he likes to carry it around. Woobies are not just for bed time.

And helping again with the dishes.

Eating a banana. This kid has serious texture issues. Prefers everything in the consistency of pudding. Really. And about 30 seconds after this picture he mushed it up and fed it to the dogs.

Luke spent a day with Matt's friends and their 2 year old. Apparently there's no shame in his game because Dani was caught giving him kisses. Hahaha!
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