This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What I love about Minnie...

I have written a post about why I love Bruno, I even wrote a post about why I loved Tim (before he chomped on my son and subsequently found a new home). But I never got around to writing one about Minnie.

Now seems like the best time.

We found a growth on her back leg right after Easter this year. We went to our vet and was referred to a surgeon. Through all the visits we discovered she had a form of bone cancer that was manifesting itself by an aggressive tumor. The doctors suggested amputation. After researching it, and getting estimates, we made the painful decision that amputation was not for Minnie. Large breeds don't manage well at all with amputation of limb. There was no guarantee that a tumor would not manifest somewhere else. And frankly, she might not survive the surgery. Not to mention that we would have to go into debt to pay for the surgery and after care.

We decided to manage her quality of life. With a couple medications, Minnie was able to keep her optimistic outlook on life and seemed unphased. But the tumor kept growing. And we noticed that when the tumor was in an active growth phase, Minnie would lose her appetite and get lethargic - most likely from pain. But Minnie always bounced back. We settled into a new kind of "normal" with her limitations and it was easy to think that we could go on like this forever.

What started out looking like a swollen bug bite in April had taken over her entire leg from the leg down by October. I was becoming concerned when we left for our family reunion. When we returned there was something different about Minnie. She had lost her appetite and didn't feel like doing much other than laying around. She had a hard time managing the stairs going up and down to go potty. She couldn't get comfortable....anywhere. She couldn't hop on our bed anymore.

Then she quit eating. We were able to sneak spoonfuls of peanut butter in her mouth with her medication. But even that didn't help anymore. Then she started throwing up. Alot. She couldn't even drink water without throwing up immediately. We knew that the end was coming and we called the vet and made an appointment for October 25th at 11:30pm. The day before I had knelt down in the closet and snuggled her. Her expressive eyes felt like they were probing me for relief. I whispered that it was okay, she would feel better soon. Luke came over and kissed her twice and gave her a pet. Late that night after Matt came home from work, he went to her and said good-bye. He was having a hard time with her being so sick and the inevitable, but he finally was able to give her what she needed. That must have been what she had been waiting for.

At four in the morning October 25th, I heard the dogs getting rowdy. I thought it was just Bruno because Minnie hadn't been able to get up for her midnight potty breaks in a while. But when I opened my eyes there was Minnie, her nose in my face, like he had been doing for the past 5 years. I sat up and pulled her face close and was just stroking her head. He pushed her nose into my side like she did when she was feeling extra snuggly. Then she lost her balance and fell on the floor. Bruno started hopping around and I assumed it was because he needed out. I took him down and opened the door. He just wandered around looking at me. It was like he knew what was happening and had gotten loud to wake us up. Then I heard Minnie get up and collapse again upstairs. Matt woke up. She started crying. Matt came downstairs to get me and when we got back to our room she was gone.

We were and still are broken hearted. Minnie was a huge part of our lives for 5 years. She was special. And our whole family is struggling to find our new normal life without her. I know it may seem ridiculous to feel so devastated over a pet. I honestly didn't think I would be feeling this sad. So I can't rationalize. But this is my blog and I can write whatever I feel the need to.

So today, I am going to tell you all the things I love about Minnie:

1.) We brought Minnie into our home just a month after we lost our first child. She was able to help us find happiness in our day to day lives which had been so desolate.

2.) She had window friends, just like Anne of Green Gables. It was the most hilarious thing watching her trying to get her reflection to play tug of war.

3.) Minnie loved watching TV. But only other animals. And if they got feisty, she would charge the TV trying to protect us.

4.) I loved watching Minnie run. She was always thin, and when she would let loose and really run, she looked like a grey hound. She was SO fast. And you could tell by the look on her face that it was the best feeling for her.

5.) The first time I met my sister in law Mary, Minnie had come prancing out of our bedroom with a bright red piece on lingerie on her head - looking so proud of herself. It was mortifying. But it's still one of my favorite memories.

6.) I love that Minnie always thought she was a lap dog. And when she got so big that she couldn't fit anymore, she would just back up to you and sit her bum on  your lap. She made it work.

7.) I love how she and Bruno would kiss each other every morning.

8.) I love how smart and dumb she was at the same time. She is smart enough to know how to open her kennel and turn the water spigot on outside but couldn't figure out some of the most basic things. Total blond.

9.) I remember how stressed out she would be at her puppy classes. Her eyes would be blood shot by the end of the 30 min - 1 hour class.

10.) Minnie was very in tune with the emotional energy around her. If I was having a hard day, she would always come snuggle me.

11.) I love how much she loved Luke. She would let him get away with anything. They were the best playmates.

12.) I love how close Bruno and Minnie were. Every morning they would greet each other and every night they would snuggle up together. We had to set up grooming and vet appointments for them to go together because they hated being separated. Two peas in a pod despite how opposite their personalities were.

13.) I love how she could wake me out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night just by standing next to the bed and staring at me.

14.) I love how she would sneak up on our bed in the middle of the night and snuggle up.

15.) Most of all I love how she had such an open heart. Minnie never met someone she didn't like. Unconditional love.

I could keep listing all the things I love about Minnie, but this will do. We miss her but know that we'll meet her on the Rainbow Bridge someday. And it's a comfort to know that she is no longer in any pain and is free to run again.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Walt Disney World Day 7 and extras

Day 7 turned into a last effort to do all the things you wanted to do, but ran out of time for. We spent the day in the Magic Kingdom with Ricky and Leslie. Leslie is pregnant and the rides she was able to ride were the same rides that Luke would be up for. Perfect match. We had a great time.

Inside Cinderella's Castle.

Luke was seriously pooped out by the end of the week. Plus he had caught a cold (we all had it by the time the plane landed in Phoenix). So he and I went back to the hotel early so we could enjoy some quiet down time and get packed. Matt had a 'man' date with Ricky, Aric, and Jake at a fancy Steak House. Matt said it was the best steak he has EVER had. So lucky :)

The flight home was LONG...but we made it. And Luke was so happy walking into his own house. Shoot, we all were. It was nice relaxing and sleeping in your own bed. Here are a few pictures of the souvenirs Luke brought home.

First pair of Mickey Ears

Name embroidered on the back. Love the plummer diaper. Classic :)

Viking hat.

Pirate gun. This is the best picture I could get. In all the others, he was pointing it right at me.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Walt Disney World Days 5-6

Day 5 was the Hollywood Studios Theme Park. This is a pretty cool place. But unfortunately, it was way too HOT and way too HUMID and I didn't get many pictures. I only have this one from the park entrance and a couple from lunch. The boys were pretty excited to see McQueen and Mater.

Lunch at the Prime Time Cafe. This was REALLY fun. Seating is set up as a kitchen table from the 50's. Each table has a TV that plays old clips from black and white television. The waitresses are dressed in typical housewife attire from the time period. They call you for your table by yelling "JENSEN KIDS!! Dinner's Ready!!" Then all during the ordering and meal time the waittress is giving you a hard time about manners and other behavior. It's hilarious. Jake kept putting his elbows on the table and was warned that is he was caught three times in a row - there'd be trouble. Well, sure enough, he got caught and had to put his nose to the wall and we all chanted "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!" Priceless.

The rest of the day in Hollywood Studios was spent riding roller coasters and having a blast. I finally got to ride a roller coaster after probably 6 years. Seriously. It was the best ever!!!! Thanks Shannon for riding with me in the first seats on Rocking Roller Coaster. We are so awesome!

Day 6 was the Animal Kingdom. We had an early breakfast at the Tusker House where we could me the Disney Characters.

We also got to go on a Safari Ride that took us around an animal preserve. It was pretty cool. Luke liked seeing the animals.

Walt Disney World Days 3-4

To be honest, I can't remember what days are what from vacation any more. So if it seems like I'm making stuff up....I probably am. But just the time line, I promise.

These boys were pretty sleepy one morning, so I decided to get them breakfast and bring it back to the room. When I got back, they were snuggling in bed.

These are some shots from the view I have walking from our hotel room to Old Porte Royale - which is the food court area. Pretty gorgeous, huh?

Magic Kingdom!! I love walking down Maintstreet in the Magic Kingdom. All the old fashioned just has great energy. Even if the place was packed. And on top of it all, everything was decorated for Halloween/Autumn. LOVE IT.

Daddy and Luke waiting for the Pirates of the Carribean ride. Luke was a little bit scared and had to crawl into my lap during the ride. But he was totally amazed. When things were a little "spooky" for a 2 year old he would clap his hands over his mouth. And if it got loud, he would point and yell, Shu - up! Don't ask me where he learned that term, I don't like it, and I don't want to talk about it. But it did crack me up the tiniest bit.

Playing with Papa at the Columbia House Restaraunt in the Magic Kingdom. They had just what we needed that day - yummy food and air conditioning!!

After lunch we headed for some more rides. Luke didn't last long after filling his tummy up and he crashed in my arms while in line for "It's a Small World". But the good part is that he woke up in time to see everything. This was hands down his favorite ride. He kept pointing and talking about everything he saw.

That night we went to Polynesian Resort - it's connected to the Magic Kingdom by the Monorail. So we just jumped on and rode over to Ohana's for dinner. I think I could eat there every night of the week. So Delish!! But while waiting for our reservation we had some very, very antsy boys. So how do you entertain them? Suckers of course. Thanks Aunt Erin!

Dinner was fun, but Luke was tired (it was a late dinner) and half way through dinner the fireworks started. You can watch the show from the windows in the restaraunt (it has a perfect view), but the noise was scary for my little boy. This picture pretty much sums up how Luke and I felt after dinner.

Landon and Uncle Ricky have a special kind of love for each other. They just have the best time together. I loved watching these two cuties all week. So special. Glad I got a picture of the two of them.

These two have a special love for each other. Ricky and Landon just love spending time together. It is so cute. I'm glad I had a chance to see that, and take a picture!

The next day was our 'day off'... thank goodness. It's good to rest.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Walt Disney World Days 1-2

After all the packing, running errands, last minute distractions and plane rides we all arrived in WDW late Friday night. It was a relief! Flying across country with an almost 2 yr old is not something I would recommend. I'll leave it at that. Next time we'll plan a little better.

The whole family stayed at the Carribean Beach Resort. And the first morning we all met down at the Old Porte Royale (Food Court/Gift shop/Convienence store.) Ricky and Leslie had a big announcement for us. And as you'll see they had a super creative way of announcing the gender of their baby that is due in February.

It's a girl!! Finally....after 5 boys it's about time for some pink!

It was raining cats and dogs that first day. We all had to buy rain poncho's (super attractive....not) and head out in the rain to EPCOT for lunch. It was pretty miserable. We all were completely drenched by the time we to the restaraunt. Poor Luke had to be wrapped up in a poncho and buckled into his stroller so we could run around. He was a good sport, but by the end of the day he detested his poncho. Shannon had been checking the weather and it looked like it could be this rainy all week. Depressing. But we made it to Germany's Beirgarten. And it was a BLAST! The food was delicious. The entertainment was great. And best of all it was inside :)

My cute boys.

Our entertainment. Such a fun band.

Talking and dancing to the polka music.

Ziggy-Zoiggy! Ziggy-Zoiggy! Oy! Oy! Oy!

They had a traditional drinking song that everyone joined in singing. We raised our classes of soda pop and joined in the comraderie. It was great. We pretty much sang that song all week long.

Day 2 brought the sunshine back. We had all decided to say extra prayers the night before that the weather would clear up. And it worked! Sunshine the rest of the vacation. This day we headed down to Downtown Disney for lunch at the "Earl of Sandwich". Luke just wanted to go, go, go! And it was nice to have extra people around to play mother hen to our busy boy while we took turns eating.

Luke would not sit still for a picture.

You know, every time we get together with Ricky, I end up with a picture of him doing this cheesy face. I love it. Cracks me up.

Poor Carter had an interesting vacation. Most of his time was spent in various locations....doing this. Haha! But is a pretty funny picture.

The night of Day 2 we went back to EPCOT to have dinner at England's "Rose and Crown". It was so yummy! I got to try traditional pasties, which my British friend Julie raves about. They did not dissapoint.

Three generations of Jensen's.

The buildings at the England attraction.

A view across the water at EPCOT. You can see some of the other attractions.

While at dinner, Ricky decided to entertain us with the Fat Photo App for the Iphone. We laughed until we cried. Then Jake showed us the bro-stache App he had, and used in on our waitress. She nearly fell over! Good thing she didn't have a tray full of food. It was an awesome night!

Day 2 rounded out by the family stopping by the Patisserie in France for some exquisite desserts. Then we all slunk back to our rooms to pass out with full tummies.