This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hanging out with the Griggs

Tuesday night we met up with Erin and Aric for dinner and good conversation. I sat across from Riley and we had ourselves a good time. Well, there was one hiccup. The food was due to come out very soon, but Riley wanted another (wonderfully delicious) roll. Can you blame him? I told him,"No, food will be out soon, just wait." Well, he frowned a little, and I thought he let it go. Nope. Five minutes later, he stormed over to his mom on the other side of the table and tattle on me! Said, "Jenny is being mean to me!". Then he proceeded to come over to me and let me know that, "You're mean ALL the time!" Now, I'm feeling a little disparaged at this point. Mean all the time? Seriously? Well, after I buttered him another roll, and gave him a winning smile, he conceded that I'm nice sometimes. Glad we cleared that up! I was going to have self-esteem issues :)

We went out to Texas yummy! Lucas slept through the all the noise and commotion, so Mommy could eat. Enjoyed every minute, because that doesn't happen very often.

Friday night Brayden had a school carnival. I had to work...Blah! So I didn't get to so with them. But I left a little early to spend some time at their house and I could still hear the music blaring from down the street. Must've been some party! Here's a few pictures of the boys hanging out at the house:

Carter was fascinated with Lucas. He loved watching him and trying to "pet" him.

Brayden is growing up into such a big boy. Now he's TOTALLY into basketball and ESPN. He was obsessed with watching the NCAA basketball tournament. And his favorite NBA team is the Suns.....much to the chagrin of Uncle Matt and Papa.

Carter, what a cute kid! He's 18 months old, and he's a pistol. Loves jabbering, roaring, and beating up on his brothers. Haha! And check out that hair! You could try to gel it and it still sticks out in every direction.

Matt and Riley reading a Shark book. Matt was completely enthralled and kept reading it after Riley was done. Matt had a similar book when he was a kid.