No, it's Super Baby!
I think my son's Super Hero ambitions are already surfacing. Maybe I need to think about making him a real cape.
No, it's Super Baby!
Posted by Jenny at 8:46 AM 0 comments
I could tell all of you that our lives are par for the course lately. We're just going about our daily routines. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening. But then, I thought I'd let you in on a peek of what "ordinary" is at our house.
**Pardon the loin cloth. But this is a family site :)
Posted by Jenny at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Here are some of the pictures we took on our ill thought out photo session. Just looking at these pictures makes me break a sweat and I'm sitting at my computer with the A/C blowing nicely all around me. I forget that I live in Hades sometimes because everything looks prettier and cooler when I'm inside looking out my windows. Oh well, I'll remember next time.
All in all, we did get some cute pictures. Enjoy!
Posted by Jenny at 5:07 PM 0 comments least for some.
What's summer without some time in the pool? Earlier that day we thought we'd slip out early in the morning and run down to a lush location for a few pictures. Um, Jen, remember that it's July? It's like 200 degrees at 9am. Oh, and the humidity makes it feel at least 237 degrees, in the shade. Don't know what I was thinking. We definitely needed a pool after that. Those pictures will come later. But I had bought this little kiddie pool thinking Lucas might have fun. And it's so hot, it would be pretty refreshing.
First off, my dogs thought it was a fancy new water bowl. Thanks Mom!! But, being the caring family that we are, we had no problem sharing. Quite fun for everyone. It was even funner licking the water off the baby then it was to drink right out of the new, improved, fancy, squishy drinking bowl. Mom's the awesomest! How does she think these things up?
Posted by Jenny at 9:31 AM 0 comments
He's so snuggly small compared to the horses that want to sit in my lap.
He loves being called "Baby Tim" and will let me hold him like a baby.
He likes to share string cheese with me.
He thinks it's important to wait patiently outside the bathroom to make sure I'm okay.
He has the softest fur.
He tries to kiss everyone on the mouth.
He thinks he's about 200lbs. and will take on anything.
He likes to sleep under the covers.
When he wags his tail, his whole bottom half wiggles.
He looks like he skips when he walks around.
When he gets excited and starts to run around in circles, I laugh till I cry.
He thinks the biggest Kong belongs to him and will try desperately to fit it in his mouth. And he'll snub the tiny one for him because it's not what Minnie & Bruno have.
He plays like a crazy mongoose. And it's so much fun.
He's bosom buddies with a dog that is 10 times bigger than he is and he doesn't even notice.
He's gotten over his fear of men and will snuggle himself as close and he can to Matt.
He loves my little boy and I can't wait until they can play together.
When he looks at me I know exactly how much he loves me back.
Posted by Jenny at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Being the youngest of 7 children I often had the pleasure (please note the sarcasm that cannot be heard) of playing the "Stop hitting yourself" game with my older siblings. Mostly my mean older brothers. I'd get pinned down and they'd grab my hand and smack me with it over and over again. All the while, giggling with delight and saying, "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself..."
Ahhh, childhood. Those precious memories that will stay with you forever. Unless your therapist helps you repress them. Sadly, I don't have the money for a therapist.
But I digress. The reason for this trip down memory lane is that I've been having flash backs while watching my son. If you've been an avid reader of this blog you will know that Lucas doesn't appreciate being on his stomach (note the understatement). Well, he has now figured out how to roll over. See the problem?
He loves the new found freedom of movement he has, and he L.O.V.E.S to demonstrate his mad skill of rolling over. Amazing! I know. But then he just gets completely upset that he's on his stomach of all places. Tantrum ensues. Mommy or Daddy have to come rescue him and then the process starts over again. All. Day. Long.
Hence, the voice in my head that sounds an awful lot like my brother Shaun...."Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself." Why does he do this to himself? Does he like to cry? Is this a reflection of my parenting?
The joys of Parenthood. I'm sure the fun is just getting warmed up. On a positive note, he is getting better on his tummy. He actually sleeps most of the night on his stomach now. I try to roll him over because it kinda freaks me out, but then he just rolls right back over. Rebellious kid already.
But he's had another milestone and we're excited. Even though he keeps punishing himself over, and over, and over, and over....
Here's a little video of him trying to go to sleep on his belly, too cute. And yes he sings himself to sleep pretty much all the time. He's sooo my child.
P.S. - I'd like to clarify that my brothers were definitely mean when we were kids. But they have all grown up to AWESOME human beings and fathers. And I'm sure they've played the "Stop hitting yourself" game with their kids :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:06 PM 0 comments