I could tell all of you that our lives are par for the course lately. We're just going about our daily routines. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening. But then, I thought I'd let you in on a peek of what "ordinary" is at our house.

Lucas now has a thing about sleeping with a blankie. So cute. He just snuggles right in when you give it to him. He really likes the special blankie Aunt Erin made for him. But he'll make do when his favorite has to have a bath.

Minnie has decided that the baby pool is really a nice lounger for her to sun bathe in. NICE.

You see this cute face? Seemingly innocent right? WRONG. I had just undressed this little stinker in preparation for bath time. Well he just rolled right over onto my carpet and peed. PEED. ON. MY. CARPET. When I picked him up I had to put him back on the blanket so I could clean up, and this is the face he gives me. Trying to make up with cute points. He's a sneaky one, I'll have to keep an eye on him when he's older.

This is the face I get from Matt after I told him "his" son peed on my floors. His comment? Well he has been hanging out with the dogs alot lately. NOT funny.

Enjoying a little tub time after the whole unfortunate carpet incident. Nothing like blowing raspberries at your toes to complete a very "ordinary" day.
**Pardon the loin cloth. But this is a family site :)
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