This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I love Tim because...

He's so snuggly small compared to the horses that want to sit in my lap.

He loves being called "Baby Tim" and will let me hold him like a baby.

He likes to share string cheese with me.

He thinks it's important to wait patiently outside the bathroom to make sure I'm okay.

He has the softest fur.

He tries to kiss everyone on the mouth.

He thinks he's about 200lbs. and will take on anything.

He likes to sleep under the covers.

When he wags his tail, his whole bottom half wiggles.

He looks like he skips when he walks around.

When he gets excited and starts to run around in circles, I laugh till I cry.

He thinks the biggest Kong belongs to him and will try desperately to fit it in his mouth. And he'll snub the tiny one for him because it's not what Minnie & Bruno have.

He plays like a crazy mongoose. And it's so much fun.

He's bosom buddies with a dog that is 10 times bigger than he is and he doesn't even notice.

He's gotten over his fear of men and will snuggle himself as close and he can to Matt.

He loves my little boy and I can't wait until they can play together.

When he looks at me I know exactly how much he loves me back.