Last week we went up to visit Chad and Mary. It was so great to be able to spend time with them, it had been a while. They cooked us some wonderful burgers and we had a great time.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Good Food and Conversation
Posted by Jenny at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Baby, you give me grey hair already.
Matt and I have had a few days off and I've been trying to be better at taking pictures. Most of the pictures are from things that happen upstairs. But in all fairness, that's where we keep the camera, upstairs by the computer.
Our little goofy goober has decided he's a bit of a dare devil. And he's giving mom grey hair. Take a look.This one is not so scary. Just funny. What we will do to get a laugh out of him. But he loves being upside down and thrown in the air.
This is how I find him after every nap now. Sometimes he'll even be hanging over the side as much as he can. Ugh. Totally freaks me out. We're lowering the crib again. And most days he'll throw everything on the floor. We keep extra pacifiers in his crib now so he'll have a back up. But they'll all be on the floor before it's over. Along with his stuffed animals and blankie.
But he's so darn cute that I try to ignore all the emergency visits that are bound to happen. I'll just think about his little smile.
Posted by Jenny at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
How to make friends and influence people
Luke has mastered the hands-and-knees crawl now and shoots around the house like lightning. Now he has set his sights on standing up. He pulls himself up on EVERYTHING. Coffee table. Couch. Toy box. Changing table. Crib. Stairs. And he's crashed miserably every time he does it without help. He's also found an interest in walking. And he's getting better at it. Here's a pictures of Luke walking with Daddy. Can you just see the pride and joy in Luke's face. Not sure what's up with Daddy....he looks a little tired.
During their lively exchanges, baby James just sat in the bouncy see cracking up at the both of them. He was just the sweetest thing. I think he might me made of marshmallow fluff. So wonderfully squishable! It was great having some kids over and we're excited to do it again.
Posted by Jenny at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Matt's BBQ
This was an event. Nay, more than an event....a journey. Not unlike the Iliad. Long. Fraught with anger, peril, but it had a happy ending. If it didn't, I probably would be laying in bed trying to forget, but I'm here, posting about it. That's good. Let me tell you about it.
Matt's a nice guy. That's why I married him. Well, being a nice guy, he likes doing nice things for people. So he offered to have all the guys that work for him in the warehouse over for a BBQ. Me, being married to a nice guy....said ok. And then the anxiety started to sink in.....
For those of you that don't understand, let me explain. Every time we have people over to our house, I fall into a tailspin of stress, anxiety, crankiness (that's for Matt's benefit, I own up to it, occasionally) over cleaning the house and whatever else in on the agenda. I don't know why I punish myself this way, it's just part of the magic that makes me, me.
Well, everything that could make getting ready for this BBQ more difficult, was bound to happen. We bought a nice, big charcoal grill. Seemed like it would be simple to assemble. Uh, NO. Big NO. The directions were very confusing. Only 2 of the bazillion parts were numbered. That fact still boggles my mind, why bother numbering 2? After two very frustrating days of assembly, Matt couldn't get the drawers and door to fit correctly. Come to find out that the bottom of the grill was put on incorrectly. This piece was one of the first pieces put together, and we had to do some tricky un-assembly to fix it.
In the process Matt pinched himself pretty bad with some pliers. And after many unpleasant things to say to the manufacturers of the grill. It was done. Looks great. I was so proud that Matt stuck through it. Even after we realized that we could have had someone from the store put it together. Irony.
We also had to brave the store about 5 times trying to get all the food we needed. Due to my self induced anxiety, I kept forgetting things. Even though they were written plainly on my list.
And there was the realization that my son is mortally afraid of the vacuum. Even the next day, while safely comforted in the arms of his big, tough dad, Luke was giving the vacuum the hairy eye-ball and looked like he was about to cry.
Can you write therapy off on your taxes? This is good information to know.
Well, everything came together at last. And I only crabbed at Matt a few times. Quite an accomplishment I made sure he recognized. People came over. Ate our food. Laughed a lot. And I was in bed before 10pm. Yes!!
And two of Matt's employees brought their spouses, which is cool. Otherwise I would've been the only girl. And they brought their kids. Which was nice for Luke. I'll post about that next. It was pretty funny.
But for now, I'll just go back to bed for a nap. All that crabbing makes me tired.
Posted by Jenny at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I should be vacuuming...
but I'm not.
I should be making a delicious chocolate sheet cake.
but I'm not.
I should be doing laundry.
but I'm not.
I should be dusting, sweeping, mopping.
but I'm not.
Instead I'm holding my baby who could possibly be scarred for life because I tried to vacuum when he was awake. and in the room. and on the floor.
Silly mommy.
Looks like it's going to be a long night of doing all the chores I should be doing now.
Oh well. I guess I'll just snuggle my emotionally damaged, completely adorable baby a little longer.
p.s. - normally I don't like vacuuming, sweeping, mopping and cleaning in general (still haven't figured out how to live without doing such tasks). But Matt invited the guys that work for him over for a BBQ tomorrow afternoon. Hence, the cleaning. Will try to take some pictures to post.
Posted by Jenny at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Catch Me if you Can!
The baby has finally sung himself to sleep in his room. I should go take a shower. That would be the responsible thing to do. But, instead I found myself on the computer, checking out facebook and blogspot. I also realized that I am soooo far behind on the blog. The last update was Luke's 6 month check up. And he'll be 8 months in a couple days.
Lately, it's been a challenge keeping up with the blog. When I'm home I spend most of my time chasing Luke around now that he's on the move. But I wouldn't let you guys down like that. So here's some snapshots of what he's been up to:
Posted by Jenny at 1:10 PM 0 comments