The baby has finally sung himself to sleep in his room. I should go take a shower. That would be the responsible thing to do. But, instead I found myself on the computer, checking out facebook and blogspot. I also realized that I am soooo far behind on the blog. The last update was Luke's 6 month check up. And he'll be 8 months in a couple days.
Lately, it's been a challenge keeping up with the blog. When I'm home I spend most of my time chasing Luke around now that he's on the move. But I wouldn't let you guys down like that. So here's some snapshots of what he's been up to:
Here he is working on his modeling poses. Very Calvin Klein. Maybe he could do a diaper ad for them. Hahaha!
The dogs are starting to feel the full effects of Lucas being able to crawl. He's always loved the dogs. And would watch them from our arms and just giggle. But now he can get up close and personal with Minnie, Bruno and Tim. Poor things. Can you see the fear in Minnie's eyes? "Please Momma, make the little scary thing quit grabbing my tail?"
Can't leave this little guy on the changing table anymore. He's liable to pull a Geronimo. So I set him on the floor and walk out of the room for 2.3 seconds. This is what I get. Nice.
He knows how to pull himself up on the crib rails now. Just on his knees. But he thinks he's pretty big stuff.
I just smile looking at his face. Could he be any cheesier? The answer is yes. I just haven't been able to capture it on film yet...
Is this kid made of marshmallow? Seriously.
And if you look closely you can see his little teeth. So cute.
Well, enough of my being lazy and irresponsible. The shower is calling....
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