Luke has mastered the hands-and-knees crawl now and shoots around the house like lightning. Now he has set his sights on standing up. He pulls himself up on EVERYTHING. Coffee table. Couch. Toy box. Changing table. Crib. Stairs. And he's crashed miserably every time he does it without help. He's also found an interest in walking. And he's getting better at it. Here's a pictures of Luke walking with Daddy. Can you just see the pride and joy in Luke's face. Not sure what's up with Daddy....he looks a little tired.

Here are a couple pictures of the little kiddos that came to our house. Zoey is 14 months old and James is almost 6 months old. Funny thing is they all around within 2 pounds of each other. Haha! Try to wrap your mind around that. It was pretty hilarious to watch Zoey and Luke interacting with each other. She was very interested in Luke and would want to be right next to him. I thought, "Oh how cute!" But Luke would look at her weird and scoot his bum away from her. She would just scoot closer. That went on for a bit until Zoey just went right up to him and pushed him over and took his pacifier. I laughed hysterically. Baby cried. But oh it was funny. From that moment on you could just see Luke keeping an eye on her. In this picture, Zoey's eyeing the pacifier, planning her next attack.

Well, turn around is fair game right? Since Luke kept getting his pacy stolen, he decided to take Zoey's sippy cup. This is a picture of such an exchange. Sharing is caring. Right? After they had enough of that, I brought down his toy box. Took out all the big kid toys and the stackable rings were a big hit. Both Zoey and Luke loved them. To the point of not wanting to share. While sitting right next to each other, Zoey kept reaching and taking Luke's rings. Now Zoey is much more advanced with the hand eye coordination, but Luke didn't let that stop him. What he didn't have in skills he made up with gusto. He finally had enough. Yelling loudly right in her face, he reached over and yanked his ring right out of her little hand. That's my boy! Stand up for yourself. And I have to say, Zoey took it like a lady and just ignored he existed.
During their lively exchanges, baby James just sat in the bouncy see cracking up at the both of them. He was just the sweetest thing. I think he might me made of marshmallow fluff. So wonderfully squishable! It was great having some kids over and we're excited to do it again.
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