Yes. He's eating toilet paper. He thinks it feels funny on his tongue. And he's teething again, so pretty much everything goes in his mouth. He even snuck one of my fingers in his mouth and gave it a chomp. Not cool. But he's doing great. Walking all over the place, no running yet. Getting more coordinated everyday. He loves to start walking away from you and then do a quick pivot turn and come racing back. Luke loves to chase us almost as much as he loves to be chased.

He's a very sweet little boy. He loves to be hugged and now is on the bandwagon and loves to give hugs...even to the dogs. Much to Tim's chagrin. But he can't even deny Lucas when he's being that cute. Luke will just reach over and grab Tim's head with both hands and draw him close. Tim of course freezes and immediately tries to go to a "happy place" until the exchange is over and then he runs away, naturally. But all the dogs are privied to this special sign of affection. Minnie absolutely loves it because it gives her unlimited access to licking his face. Bruno usually just gets an all over snuggle since he's usually laying around all day.

Luke's playtime has been enriched since Christmas and his Birthday. All these toys in the house! His current favorites are the music set that Aunt Leslie and Uncle Ricky sent. How could you miss with a toy that bring endless noise? Classic. And he totally has a boy crush on the car seat Aunt Mary and Uncle Chad gave him for his birthday. But he still plays with all his toys.

We have now entered the "Separation Anxiety" phase of life. And it's rough. He cries big alligator tears whenever we drop him off at the sitter. Of course that stops 5 minutes after we leave, but it's quite a show. And he's even displaying that at home. If we walk out of the room without his permission he can get quite sad. But it comes and goes and we try not to make a big deal about it.

Sippy Cups. This is hard. First trying to find a cup he'll drink out of was ridiculous. Now all he wants is juice. Really? He use to hate juice. Now that we need him to transition to big boy milk, he just wants juice. And he still totally hearts his bottle. He hugs it. So we're going to have to cut it cold turkey. Xanax please. Will try to be tough...
He still speaks his own little language. All we can really understand is MOMMA. But his comprehension is great. He understands most simple commands. And I think he can keep up most of our little conversations together.
He went to the doctor on the 19th for his 1 year check up and here are his stats.
Length: 29.25 inches & 33.58 percentile
Weight: 21.12 lbs & 25.15 percentile.
When did my chunker fall into the 25th percentile?? Beats me. Dr Hrkal says he looks great but just needs to eat more solids. But what do you do when your child wants to live off of yogurt, gold fish and graham crackers? Drives me crazy. He use to be just a great eater. Loved his veggies and fruit. Now he's trying to assert his independence with food. AWESOME. We offer yummy alternatives with every meal. But he know what he wants.
All in all, life's been good. This past year and flown by and it's been chuck full of wonderful experiences and memories. We've definitely had our challenges too, but we wouldn't trade it for anything.
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