This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fun in the Tub.

What can be funner than bedtime bath? Morning bath time! And the lighting is much better so I thought I'd take advantage and snap a few photos. He's grown a lot since his last bath time photo session and taking his picture is a lot trickier since he doesn't stop moving for a second. It usually requires all my focus just to keep him from falling in/out of the tub and he usually tries to drown himself at least once a day. But...he's getting better about the whole choosing life thing. I love seeing the action/reaction process developing for him. So here we go. Get ready for cute:
Such a sweet face.

Loves, loves, loves sorting things into containers.

Uh, yes. This is his singing face. We were singing "Popcorn Popping".
Laughing because it's his favorite song.
Soapy face. Can I say that I am SO jealous of his eyelashes? Ugh.

"But Mom! I don't wanna wash my hair!"

Squeaky clean!

Look at that hair.

It just gets crazy after we have bath time.
 And now it's nap time and I'm LOVING the quiet. I really should go do something more productive than hang out on the blog. I've got cleaning to do, paint to pick out, and a snack that needs to be eaten. FYI: going to get Luke's 1 year pictures taken. I know, it's late, but life for our family is pretty hectic from December through March. I'm lucky I managed to get myself together before his 2 year pictures :)