This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Dear.

Ever find yourself doing the very thing you tell others NOT to do? Uh, huh...that was me. So disappointing. Luke's hair has been getting REALLY long. And since it's so curly, it just curls up around his ears. It's so unruly. Matt has been teasing me that he's gonna cut it himself while I'm at work. OH NO WAY! is usually my answer. I then proceed to lecture him on the fact that we're not hair stylists and are not allowed to touch our son's beautiful hair. Bad things would happen.


Last Thursday I had set up an appointment for Luke's pictures. And we got his outfit all picked out. He was all lotioned and adorable. EXCEPT his hair. I couldn't decide whether it made him look nerdy or girly. Probably somewhere in between. Then the anxiety set in. I couldn't take him in for pictures looking like that. My poor baby...he looked ridiculous, even after I combed and combed his hair. I used so much detangler that his head was sopping wet.

And then I made the split second, disastrous decision that "I" could cut his hair. No problem. I use to cut my Barbie's hair all the time. Just don't ask my mom how they looked after. So there I was with Luke plopped in the sink of our downstairs bathroom and I just went to town. Motivated by panic and vanity. Snip, Snip, Snip...and all I could hear was the conversations Matt and I had about a 1,000 times already. *Guilt* But I couldn't stop.  All I have to say is that I am SO grateful that is hair is curly and  you can't really tell how HORRIBLE I did. His pictures came out great. But we will definitely be going to a professional to fix what Mommy did.

If you can't tell this is his hair in a ziploc baggie. I didn't get too close to Luke on purpose.