This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mud Pie

There's something so magical about the smell of sunscreen. Every time I put some on Luke and I, memories of family trips come sweeping into my memory. I love it. The weather here has just been unreal. Absolutely beautiful. On my days off, Luke and I spend at least a couple hours a day outside. Today was no different. We slathered on some sunscreen and I took my book outside and settled in for some vitamin D time. I read a little and then just got the itch to clean up the backyard a little. Note: that happens like never. I consider the backyard "MAN" territory and leave it to my cute husband. Don't know what got into me today. But while I was suffering from gender confusion I cleaned up the poo and then decided to clean up the patio. Minnie never deals well when the patio is sprayed down, so I sent the dogs inside. But I figured Luke would enjoy all the spray, so I left him outside with me. Sweep - check. Spray - check. I was very productive for a vitamin D deficient, gender-role confused person.

Then I look up and see Luke with his new shovel set digging in a mud puddle I just made. Nice. He's having a great time. I even shot some video of it on my phone and sent it to some folks. As soon as I turn off my phone, he takes a giant step right into the middle of the puddle. Then looks at me and screams. Bahahahaha! Well, to top that off, he then takes his shovel, scoops a big ole' slimy heap of mud and proceeds to take a bite. Um, really? Could I be more grossed out? Yeah, probably...but why take time to list all the things that are definitely grosser, and will probably happen in the future. Ewww! Boys are so gross sometimes. Needless to say that shovel time was cancelled and I helped him climb out of the puddle and to the safe patio. Where he found another nice puddle on the cement and sat right in it. *SIGH* At this point I just laughed and thought how grateful I am to have a wash machine and Resolve spray. The life of a Mommy to a cute, messy, trouble making little boy.