This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tumors, Boxers, Washers, and Summer.

I know I've disappeared from the blog for a time. And really, this time I don't even feel guilty. I find it hard to make time for blogging now that I'm working overnights. And we've had some health issues pop up with our furry children that has sucked all my happiness and energy out. But now I have gotten all that out of my system, so it's time to blog again.

Around Easter we noticed Minnie had a bump on her back, left leg. Well it got bigger and bigger. Minnie started losing weight. Then on day about 2 weeks ago she started limping. We took her to our Vet and after a check up, blood draw, and screening we were informed that she had an aggressive tumor. A biopsy would be required to determine if it was cancerous and most likely she would have to have her leg amputated. They referred us to a surgical animal hospital.


At the hospital they checked her out, looked at the x-ray, and then recommended a CT scan, biopsy and surgery. And hopefully it isn't cancer, but that's what the biopsy is for. And they gave us an estimate. I might as well buy a car.


And then I got depressed.

After many conversations with Matt, we decided that the best decision for the "whole" family is to opt out of surgery. At this point we're focusing on her quality of life. She's 5 years old which is over middle age for her breed and surgery can't guarantee her life span. She's still very active and we'd like her to enjoy the rest of her life that way...however long that will be. She's responding well to her meds and our Vet is very supportive.

I'm gonna stop now because I'm getting sad again.

The picture may be too small. But the tumor is on her knee. It's about the size of a grapefruit.

Once we got Minnie settled, of course Bruno had to come down with something. He was getting jealous of the car rides. Well, he suddenly WAS NOT jealous when he arrived at the Vet. Not going to discuss his health issue that caused the visit, because it's of a sensitive nature - eh hem. But it has required him to wear boxers. Need I say more? And we're looking into his skin problems with some blood tests. Thinking it's a thyroid problem.
Could he be anymore ashamed?

In the midst of all that chaos, our much loved, hand me down wash machine finally gave up the ghost. So we went down to Matt's work and bought a new fancy front load wash machine. I'm in love. It's official. It is SO quiet. The first time I used it I thought something was wrong because I couldn't hear anything. Magical. Also, I am not the only fan of the new washer. Luke is totally in love too. If he sees the pantry door open even a crack he races in there to check it out.

Pushing all the buttons and spinning the dial.

If you hadn't noticed from the picture above, Luke's discovered the usefulness of his little green chairs - thanks Gramma and Grampa! He's found ways to get into more mischief using these bad boys. It's been pretty comical what he can come up with.

Hello, Trouble.

How do I get this thing open?

And what's the best part of summer so far? Definitely all the summer food we can enjoy. Banana Popsicles and watermelon slices are top of the list right now. We're taking some time enjoying the small pleasures of summer time with our little family. Who knows what is in our future.

Brain Freeze!

Loving him some Watermelon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Haircut!

Luke's hair has finally been cut! I know. I held on longer than I probably should have. His hair was getting so long and curly that he would look like the cutest little girl when he would put my headbands on. Sad....but oh so funny.

I took him to a children's hair cut place. Matt and I never have days off together anymore so it was IMPOSSIBLE to try to arrange it so that both of us could be there. Luke did really well. He was definitely nervous, and he whined a couple times. But other than that he was a champ! The only problem was that he was so interested in what was around him that he kept turning his head.

Here are a couple pictures from the haircut place and then at home.

We got the 1st haircut package that included a certificate, this photo, and they saved some of his hair.

No more mullet! Nice and cleaned up in the back.

Up close front view. I had them leave some length on top so I could still see his curls. So cute.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You won't like me when I'm hungry

Nothing could be more true than that statement. Luke turns into hulk-baby (minus the green) when he needs to eat. He's learning to feed himself and has gotten pretty proficient at it lately. I still help him. I usually have a spoon too and give him bites in between his attempts.

He sometimes decides that since mom is feeding him, he needs to feed mom. And he'll offer me a bite of his yummy food. How sweet. Not very appetizing, but sweet.

And he's learned the cautionary tool of blowing on his food before eating it. He will do that to everything: mac & cheese, yogurt, cookies, banana, string cheese, noodles. You name it. The world is a scary place my friends. We've learned it the hard way...better cool everything down before we go to town on it.


Really? How is it possible? My son can use my camera.... like really?

The other day I heard Luke talking to himself in the other room. And let's face it...he does that A LOT. No need for worry. Then I heard the clicking of the camera. Ah what? Yep, he got the camera. And when I found him he had the strap around his neck and pointing the lens at his face talking away and taking pictures.

Hmmm....well at least he understands the process. I mean what 16 month old would know that the strap goes around your neck and the lens pointed at your face? Well, I guess that tells you how many pictures I really take :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the Nana's, Gramma's, Aunties, Sisters, and Mommies in our lives: We LOVE you sooooo much!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things have been pretty quiet around here lately. After Easter, we're just trying to bounce back from the little cold we caught and get use to the new routine. I officially went back to working overnights on April 25th. I had a lot of anxiety since it didn't work out really well for me last rotation. But I was pregnant before....and it really affects my body's coping skills. This time it has been better, but it's still hard. I hardly see the boys while I'm working. And when I have my days off I feel exhausted and not as involved as I should be. But those are kinks we'll just have to work on.

But Little Jensen is starting to learn how to climb out of his crib. Eeek! It totally stresses me out. I just imagine him getting mangled. I know it's irrational. But that's the kind of worrier that I am. I caught a couple pictures of this little escape artist and thought I'd post them.

So really, if you have any suggestions on how to teach him to climb out without killing himself. I'd appreciate it :)