Christmas pictures should be posted by now.
Christmas decorations should be cleaned up.
Kitchen should be clean.
I should be showered.
But NO.
I'm sick. Got that cold from Luke....thought I was getting better. But then I got a cough. The cough wouldn't go away. So Wednesday I went to the doctor.
I have bronchitis and probably pneumonia. He said (Dr. Jensen, ironically) that to for sure diagnose me, I'd have to get a chest x-ray. And that would take too long because we're coming up on the long weekend. So he's treating me for it anyways.
So I've been in pj's for 3 straight days. Barely moving. Wishing I at least had the energy to get up and go grab a snack. Good thing I have a great husband that will get me my snack and cough medicine.
This is the best I can do until I can get myself feeling a little better.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and here's wishing you all a wonderful New Year!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year, right?
Posted by Jenny at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Just a Matter of Time
Well, Lucas and I did survive the other day. Neither one of us turned into zombies. And yes, there are still cookies in the house....but not many. You know, nothing helps the medicine go down like a nice chocolate cookie. Or is that just me? Does it really matter? Didn't think so.
Today I only worked a half day. Mainly because Luke is sick and couldn't go to the sitter. But really I can't complain because lil' mister gave me his cold and I just feel miserable. So here are again, having a lovely sick day together. Eating cookies, watching Muppets on YouTube....oh yeah, and Luke was enjoying himself too crawling around pulling shenanigans.
I was in the middle of a great Muppet Show clip when it got really quiet. Hmmmm....wonder what Luke is up to? Let's see.Uh, yeah. Lucas has officially discovered the diaper organizer on his changing table. One of his FAVORITE things to do is reorganize his changing table. Taking all the towels and blankets out and put them in another corner of the room. Then grab all of his lotions, desitin, and other assorted baby items off the shelf and put them in the other baskets or his toy box, or anywhere else for that matter. But he never touched the diapers. Matt and I knew it was only a matter of time. Well, it's happened...and he was so proud of himself.
Posted by Jenny at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
No, I haven't forgotten that I have a blog. Sorry for anyone that keeps checking this thing and doesn't see anything new. Between work, baby and Christmas I've been a little swamped. And I was up pretty much all night with a sick little boy.
I am SO tired. And not the fun tired, the oh my gosh it's not even 8am and I think I'm gonna pass out but the baby is squealing and won't sleep for more than 20 minutes in my arms and my butt is getting flat from sitting in the rocking chair for what seems like the rest of my existence tired.
That's it. I'm going downstairs and eating a Christmas cookie. For Breakfast.
Oh help.
If no one hears from me in the next 24hrs send a rescue team. Something bad could have happened, like Luke and I turning into zombies....or worse....all the cookies will be gone.
Just saying.
Posted by Jenny at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
A little bit of Nostaglia
I know it's totally the wrong time of year for me to be posting pictures like this. But let me explain. I had been meaning to find this costume at Halloween time. But I couldn't find it. It just so happens that I end up finding it in a box full of winter sweaters. So I decided I would wash it and put it away with Luke's things. It was sitting around my house and I just kept looking at it. There's alot of my childhood memories tied up in this costume. My mom made it for me when I was a little kid, and I LOVED wearing it. Maybe because everyone told me I was cute. Maybe because I just liked to dress up, or maybe because my mom made it special for me.
Either way, I just couldn't help myself. I had to put it on Luke. So after looking at this costume for about 3 weeks, here you go. I couldn't keep myself from laughing.
Thanks for the memories mom!
Posted by Jenny at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I love this little face. He's just, just, SO cute. And he's a sweet little guy. I'm not sure when that little white plastic tube came from but he loves taking up to an adult and putting (not so softly) to their mouth so they can blow in it at him and make noise. That is what he's attempting while I took this picture. Look at him flirting with me...."Come on mom, I have a great idea..."
The doggies are always willing play mates for Luke. "Mom can't possible get mad at me if Luke OFFERS me a toy, right?" Luke will look at a toy, play with it, then show it to the dogs.
This dude has 6 teeth now and cutting 2 more. Not sure what's going on in this picture, but it makes me laugh.
Posted by Jenny at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Practice, Practice, Practice.
You'll have to excuse my "lack" of blogging lately. It's the busy time of year for both Matt and I at work. Things get a little crazy for our family during this time of year. Luke is getting SO close to walking now. And it's all he wants to do anymore. Practice. And he is not shy when you don't follow his game plan. He is so much fun and we love sharing all these special moments with him on our down time.
Posted by Jenny at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Breast Cancer Walk 2010
Every year Walmart and Best Buy partner up with the American Cancer Society for the MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER WALK down at Tempe Beach Park. This year Matt and I were both lucky enough to be able to attend. Here are a few snap shots of the fun we had.
Posted by Jenny at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Natural
Last night Matt and I watched "The Natural" with Robert Redford. It was the first time I'd ever seen the movie. Needless to say that it was AWESOME. It got me thinking about Matt and Luke and whether Lucas would be interested in playing ball like Matt did.
Well, this morning Matt called me into our room, where Luke apparently found Matt's baseball bat. He keeps it near the bed to fend off the boogey men that could come in the middle of the night to bother us.
Our little kiddo couldn't leave it alone. The bat is longer than he is, but he'd just giggle and drag it everywhere he went. So I'm he gonna be a "natural?"
Posted by Jenny at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Brush your teeth
Now that Luke has 6 teeth we decided to introduce him to proper oral hygiene. Here's how it went...
Posted by Jenny at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pumpkin Carving
But we were driven. Had to get our jack-o-lanterns ready...
Posted by Jenny at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hmmmm's and Hah's
Been sitting here thinking of a catchy title for today's post. And all I got was, "Hmmmm...." So I went with it. Here are a few snapshots of what's been going on around here.
See, I promised he liked it. He had a lot of fun. But I had to wrap him in my jacket when he got out. A little too breezy for my cute boy.....but lots of fun.
This video is Lucas playing under the desk, clicking his tongue and dancing to the music of Ella Fitzgerald. Yes, that's right, my son likes music. But don't worry.... He rocks out to Breaking Benjamin too. Trying to keep him well rounded right? To be honest though, he really digs Beyonce's "Single Ladies". I try not to play it when Matt's around.....kinda weirds him out.
Posted by Jenny at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We go together like peas and carrots
Posted by Jenny at 9:15 PM 0 comments
More peas, please!
I'm trying to bridge the gap between jarred baby food and table food. It's been rocky. Luke's not a fan of change.....ever. And he's a 'texture' kid. Every time we'd graduate to the next stage of feeding, he would have a mini freak out. Practice makes perfect. All in all, he's been doing pretty good. And it gives us plenty to laugh at.
"D'oh!!!" Texture Alert: pea shells are activating the gag reflex and pucker face all at one time. This is a Level 4 alert.
"STOP!! I will not eat more peas, please. Please? Please no more peas." Every time I tried to give him a spoonful, he'd deflect me. FYI: Tim really likes peas. In case you're wondering.
Posted by Jenny at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Lemme Outside!
Posted by Jenny at 9:01 PM 0 comments