I know I've been slacking on the blog. I apologize. It's been a bit hectic around our house this past few weeks. We've got family coming into town, which always sends me into a sickening spiral of obsessive cleaning. Not sure why this happens....probably my unfounded need to be approved of and loved. Just ask Matt....I'm very strange. So on top of that it's spring....and we know what that means.....SPRING CLEANING! Can I just say that spring cleaning was SO much easier when we lived in an 800 sq. ft. apartment. Not so much fun when it's a two story behemoth (in my OCD mind.)
Well, that alone can send me into enough anxiety for me to find a Xanax pusher. But then to make things more fun, I've gone back to work 2 weeks early. What the?!? I know. Not my first choice. But, long story (which I'm not really feeling like typing). They need me, I should be happy about that, and part of me is. Going back to work isn't too bad when you like your job and the people you work with. But it's added another dimension to my life and I'm still working on juggling it.
Then I've been attacked by allergies. I'm not saying an allergy attack....I'm staying I've been ATTACKED! It's been the worst case I've ever had. I'm not going to gross you out by exploring why it's the worst allergy episode, just trust me. In fact, I've completely lost my voice. Not sure is that's ever happened to me. And it happened just in time for me to go back to work....which, just in case you weren't sure, requires me to talk ALL day long. Talk to peers, talk to boss guys, talk to subordinates, talk to customers, talk on the phone, talk on the PA system, talk on the walkies.....TALK! And I could barely get out a squeak. I had to come up with a strange sign language to help me muddle through. The funny thing is, everyone started whispering back to me. I kept having to "whisper" to them that it was my voice that was the problem, NOT my ears.
Now to top it all off....little guy has an ear infection. We caught it pretty quickly, and I'm glad. I don't want it to spoil his Easter and all the fun times he's going to have with family. Plus I don't want to go dump a sick baby on our sitter. Not a good first impression, you know?
So here's a few pictures of the happenings around here:
He's styling in his uber cool big boy clothes. I just couldn't resist this Hurley shirt. And you can see his little faux-hawk. It just naturally goes that way, his hair is a little bit curly.