This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2 months old!

2 Month Stats:
Head: 15.5
Weight: 14 lbs 1 oz - 90th percentile
Height: 23.5 inches - 70th percentile

(This picture is in a T-shirt Papa Jensen got for him at a Laker game. It says "I might be little, but I'm a HUGE Lakers fan. Awesome! Funny thing's a 2T and it's not as big on him as I would have thought.)

Another month has passed and Lucas is growing like a weed. He's a rolly-polly little boy and so cute that strangers (mostly ladies with blue hair) just have to stop me and coo at him. He's getting super fun right, and I love seeing how his personality is taking shape. Here's a few things I've learned about him this month:

1. He's a morning person. Not that he is all too coherent at 7am. But he's the happiest between 7am and 3pm.

2. He's a really tolerant kid. I can drag him all over creation running errands. And he puts up with it like a sport. I love taking him around and seeing him drink in the world around him.

3. Lucas is very observant. His little eyes roam all over the room. And when he sees something he likes, his eyes pop open really wide.

4. I get the feeling that he's a little cautious. I've tried tossing him in the air a few times with mediocre results. He doesn't cry, but he has a slight panicked look about him. Sounds like the stories I've heard about Matt as a baby.

5. Being put down to nap is a fun thing! Yes for mommy for sure. But Lucas will always smile and laugh at me when I put him in his crib. It really makes me smile. This is a child after my own heart. I love bedtime too! But I think for Lucas the appeal is all the fun things to look at, and then the sleeping of course.

6. He likes to talk when he's really content. And he loves when you mimic the noises he makes back to him.

7. Tummy time is still a struggle. He gets so frustrated that he'll plant his face square down in the floor and scream. Drives me crazy....and poor Tim too.

8. Music, Music, Music! We're big fans. He loves classical especially with piano, his Metallica lullabies, and to Matt's undying disdain.....Donny Osmond! Haha! Now let me be more specific. He loves Donny Osmond in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I think his taste is pretty eclectic.

9. His favorite toy is his stuffed Mickey Mouse. I would say that his favorite would be his pacifier, but that takes the place of...

10. "BEST FRIEND" - his pacifier makes the bad times not so bad, sleepy times more snuggly, and the good times better!

Here's looking towards a great month ahead and more fun times!