I haven't been back to Rapid City since I was 19. And though the rest of the world has held it's treasures for me, there are times when I still get a little home sick. Whenever I read nursery rhymes I think wistfully of Story Book Island. The smell of lilac blossoms takes me back to spring time. Then there's Sylvan Lake, Dinosaur Hill....I could just keep listing off all of my favorite memories, but that wouldn't really be interesting to anyone but me :)
But I had always thought that I would never find anything in Arizona that would bring back those memories and the sappy nostaglia. I was wrong! One night a few days ago, Matt and I were watching a little TV before bed when a commercial came on for CULVER'S!! I think I almost screamed and jumped off the couch! Are you kidding me?? We HAD to go there. I didn't care that it was a good 40 minute drive....it was going to happen.
Just yesterday Matt had me come pick him up from work and we went to the home of butter burgers, cheese curds, custard, and concrete mixers! *SIGH* It was great. Just like I remembered it. And I got warm and fuzzy all over. What a great night, I didn't even have to cook!
Thanks Matt!

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