This is our way of keeping in touch with the important people in our life that live far away! And it's our way of celebrating the little things in life that make us smile. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Friday, February 19, 2010

1 Month Old

Lucas turned 1 month old on Tuesday and we went to the doctor's for his Well Check. Here are his stats.

Weight: 11lbs 4oz
Height: 22 inches

He's in the 75 percentile for weight, and 60 percentile for height. He's been having some stomach troubles for the past 2 weeks, and after consulting the doctor, switched him to soy formula. So now he's a Soy Joy baby. He's SO much happier.

The world is an exciting place. Lucas loves to follow your face and watch you talk to him. Sometimes he looks like he's really trying to figure out how to move his mouth to talk back. He gets a really serious look on his face. Whenever there's sunshine out, he's looking towards the windows. And he's really starting to enjoy his toys. This picture is Lucas with his stuffed animals in the crib. "Just chilling with his peeps!"

This little boy cracks me up. He make the best faces. Lucas has been growing like a weed. His little thunder thighs drive me crazy, they're so cute. And his little personality is really blossoming now. He has definite opinions about life. He's a strong boy, being able to lift his head and wiggle all over the place.

Just had to add this picture to the post because his cheeks look HUGE! I swear sometimes the angle of the camera adds 5lbs to my poor baby. And his cheeks are big enough without any help from technology.

Our goals for this next month are as follows:
Go on more walks
Learn how to smile
Spend more time on tummy
Learn to be more patient for food time (mommy wishes, but doubtful)
Play with toys more
Sleep through the night (mommy's most excited about this one!)
Happy one-month Lucas! We're so excited to see what's in store for you in the next coming months!