The weather has been amazing this week with highs in the 70's. So this morning we decided to take everyone out on a nice walk. It was great! The dogs had been rowdy the past few days so I know they needed it.
We have this great set of greenbelts around our neighborhood (that aren't green right now). So we wandered around and up to the orchards behind the housing development. Not a very long walk but the dogs were loving sniffing the air and walking on the grass.
We ran into another dog walker and Minnie took a protective stance while Bruno had to run over and check on the baby. I'm glad they feel the need to watch over our newest addition. But we may need to work on keeping them from being over-zealous about it.
This was Lucas' first outting in the "great outdoors". He didn't dig the sunshine on his face, but when he realized it wasn't going away, he gave up and went to dreamland.
We can't say that we love Arizona in the summer when it's 115 outside. But it's soooo worth it on days like this!
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