Finally got Lucas to sleep tonight after a rough couple days for him. He's come down with some cold-thing, and poor little man is a little ragged. He normally sleeps great at night, but last night his stuffiness turned to congestion and he was up every couple hours. He was so congested that it would wake him up and made it hard for him to eat.
So after I finally got myself lucid this morning after that lovely night, I started to really get worried about him. Called our Pediatrician and went in around lunch time. Definitely sick....part of me was wondering if I was just being a worry-wort. At least I wasn't imagining things. Swabbed him for RSV, gave him a breathing treatment and a prescription. Long night turned into a long day. But now he's drifting happily in dreamland accompanied by his trusty humidifier. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and brighter....with the RSV lab coming out negative.
But here's a snapshot of what a food-induced coma looks like around this house. Can't you just see the satisfaction radiating right off that chubby face. This is a boy that loves his food.Another food-coma picture. But you can almost see his little dimples. They come out every once in a while. And yes, I do realize how MASSIVE his cheeks are. And yes, I know you want to pinch them....everyone does....I practically have to slap hands when we're out in public. What is it about baby cheeks that make normally mature, appropriate, and polite people reach into a stroller and pinch a sleeping baby? Oh well...the price of being absolutely, perfectly cute.....
FYI: He was 11 1/2 lbs on his 1 month check up. Today when I took him in he was 12 1/2lbs. Do the's ridiculous.
UPDATE: The RSV test came back negative. Whew!! that's good. So this weekend we're going to keep it quiet and see if we can get him feeling better. If he doesn't improve by Monday, we're going back in to see the doctor.
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