The world is an exciting place for Lucas. And Matt and I get a lot of enjoyment out of watching him experiencing everything for the first time. He's getting a little bit older and we're starting to see his preferences for all the "baby" items around our house. I've snapped a few photos of Lucas hanging out in his "toys" around the house.
This bouncy seat we inherited from a friend of mine and it plays music as it vibrates. Lucas digs it alot. We keep it downstairs so he can hang with Mommy when she's cooking/cleaning.
This play yard is pretty new to Lucas but he gets excited about the colors. You can see Minnie's legs in the background, so as you can deduct, the dogs love having him on the floor with them. I had a hard time getting Tim out of the picture. He loves to hang out right next to the baby.

This is the "beloved" swing. It matches the other baby seat we got from Chad & Mary (which he also loves, it sits by the computer). This swing works cradle style (as in the picture) or swing style. And if that's not cool enough it plays 3 different recordings. There's classical music, nursery rhymes, and nature sounds. This is hands down his favorite..... as you can see by his smile, or is that gas?
This is also going to be a favorite toy for Lucas. Our Ipod and docking station. Right now it's on his dresser because Matt downloaded some lullabies for him to listen to. Lucas really responds to music, I have a feeling he's going to be addicted to it like his parents. I sang to him alot when I was pregnant, in the car, in the house, even at work. Matt being a rock fan, found Metallica's hits in lullaby form. It's so funny, you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know the band.
I was just lucky enough to snap this picture and thought I'd share it with you guys. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this little man.
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