When you have a house full of dogs that have been your babies for almost four years, you wonder how it will work out when you bring home your bundle of joy. I know I had plenty of anxiety during my pregnancy visualizing all the possibilities.... mostly the bad ones. I'll blame that on hormones.
We have 2 Great Danes and one little beagle mix. With dogs as big as Minnie and Bruno, I worried about them not noticing Lucas and squishing him. And Tim thinks he is my only baby. He often gets a little grumpy when the other dogs encroach on his "momma time." You can only imagine all the scenarios that were going through my head. I thought, "This could be really bad!"
Well, actually no!
They're wonderful! All three of them have really taken to Lucas. They love to greet him in the morning with a sniff of the diaper and a kiss on the ear (since mom won't let them kiss his face.) Bruno is a pretty low-key dog, but he likes to keep an eye on Lucas when he's in his crib napping. He'll follow me in his room and check on him with me like he needs to give his approval.

Tim, who I was the most worried about, has turned out to have really fallen in love with Lucas. I wonder if it's because he's tiny too. Someone Tim can bond with over being such a small creature in a land of giants!
What a relief it is to know that our WHOLE family is excited for Lucas to join us!
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